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Unions to force employers of domestic workers to assess risks in their homes

Tomorrow, the government will approve a decree that requires employers to carry out an assessment of the risks that arise in the workplace of their domestic workers, according to the newspaper. The countryThe text instructs the National Institute for Safety and Work (INSST) to develop a tool online simple and facilitating assessment of the possible risks faced by domestic workers. In the event of a danger to the worker’s safety, the employer must provide personal protective equipment. If safety is not guaranteed, employees must stop their activity. The initiative provides that the increase in benefits in the event of accidents at work and occupational diseases due to the lack of risk prevention measures “will not apply to domestic workers”. In addition, once the decree is approved, prevention standards will be disseminated to reduce dangers and indicate action protocols in the event of violence or harassment at work.

On the other hand, Labour will provide the group with the opportunity to submit to free medical examinations by the National Health System (SNS) It will also promote training funded by Sepe and that will be offered by the Foundation for Training through Employment (FSP). The regulations had been prepared for months between different workers’ platforms and the ministry headed by Yolanda Díaz. In addition, the equalization of rights for domestic workers is one of the objectives that the second vice president has set since arriving in the Executive.

However, the text does not have the approval of the unions, which are against the assessment made by the person concerned himselfwithout there being an inspection mechanism on the part of the Public Administration with the capacity to access homes. Let us recall that Article 18 of the Constitution provides that the home is inviolable and that “no entry or search may be carried out without the consent of the owner or a judicial resolution, except in cases of flagrante delicto.” The government is expected to provide details at the press conference after the Council of Ministers during which the rule will be validated.

Spain has more than 600,000 people working in the country, according to the Labour Force Survey (EPA), 90% of whom are women, most of them foreigners. Furthermore, it is estimated that a third of domestic workers work without an employment contract. This is a point that Moncloa has tried to correct through hiring subsidies for employers. Among them, the 80% bonus on unemployment contributions and the 20% bonus on the Fogasa contribution stand out. The Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) ruled – last February – against the Spanish system, deeming it discriminatory by denying employees the right to pay unemployment benefits and therefore to receive unemployment benefits.



Katy Sprout
Katy Sprout
I am a professional writer specializing in creating compelling and informative blog content.


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