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HomeLatest NewsBernabéu concerts once again exceed noise limits

Bernabéu concerts once again exceed noise limits


Updated at 8:27 p.m.

“The concerts this weekend? “It’s more of the same,” summed up the Bernabéu residents when asked about the two massive bachata-tinged parties that the group Aventura held last Friday and Saturday at the Real Madrid stadium. “There’s nothing new. There is a large volume of noise and dozens, if not hundreds, of calls from protesting neighbors. What is unusual is that they have the nerve to continue holding concerts when there is an accusation for an alleged environmental crime,” says Enrique Martínez de Azagra, president of the neighborhood association Perjudicados por el Bernabéu. Yesterday, in statements to journalists after the ceremony to honor the victims of the Correo Street attack, Inma Sanz, vice mayor of the capital, acknowledged that, according to police reports, it appears that noise levels continue to exceed the limits set by the municipal ordinance.

“There are improvements that have been made that are mitigating the situation, but we have to continue to improve, because the minutes that were written this weekend continue to tell us that they are not within the limits that they should be. Although we have to be careful because must be validated by technicians“Our first impressions say that there is room for compliance, and we will continue to demand that Real Madrid and concert organizers take all necessary measures to ensure that the regulations are strictly complied with,” explained the city’s spokesperson.

Madrid City Hall and Real Madrid They agreed to limit concerts to 11:00 p.m. taking place in the stadium, restricting rehearsal times and increasing cleaning in the area until the club implements all measures in its noise control plan, which will be carried out throughout this year.

More improvements

In terms of mobility, priority parking measures have been established for residents on public roads and parking is made easier for residents of Rafael Salgado Street with the conversion of blue spaces into green spaces. More spaces are also made available to residents of the Castellana pole, explains the city hall.

“We believe these measures have been positive in minimising these incidents, but we must evaluate which ones worked and if improvements need to be made. We are aware that the priority is the neighbours and we must guarantee their rest,” explained the mayor of the city, José Luis Martínez-Almeida, during the ceremony to hand over the keys to 82 new affordable homes in El Cañaveral (Vicálvaro). “The developers know that the Santiago Bernabéu stadium is a suitable infrastructure for holding concerts. The priority for the city council is that they are held, but that the inconvenience to the neighbours is minimised. “We do not want to harm the developers but we want to guarantee the right to rest.” The spokesperson for the victims, incredulous, leaves the resolution of the conflict to the courts: “Justice will take its course”.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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