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HomeTop StoriesAlfonso Pérez Medina analyzes the recordings of the trial against Begoña Gómez

Alfonso Pérez Medina analyzes the recordings of the trial against Begoña Gómez

This Monday, Judge Juan Carlos Peinado offered the parties involved in the trial against the wife of the President of the Government, Begoña Gómez, the recordings of the statements made in the context of the procedure. Among them are both main accusedas well as the first of businessman Carlos Barrabésamong others. But the one who is missing, It is that of Pedro Sánchez himself. The journalist of Tribunales de laSexta, Alfonso Pérez Medina, returns to some aspects the most surprising of this new approach by the magistrate.

First, Perez Medina highlighted the your hard and hard that the investigating judge uses with certain people being investigated. In this sense, he recalls the case of testimony of the Aragonese businessman who constantly interrupts. But this is not the only topic highlighted by the journalist.

In this sense, he highlights some of the questions of Judge Peinado to Barrabés, who even defenses have called it prospectiveIt was precisely this question that led Begoña Gómez’s lawyer, former minister Antonio Camacho, to file a complaint. complaint against the magistrate for the alleged crimes of prevarication and revealing secrets. Something he also did Pedro Sanchez himself through the public prosecutor, which has expanded weeks later.

Specifically, Pérez Medina mentions two. On the one hand, the moment when Peinado asks Barrabés if he was the one who introduced Gómez and the Former CEO of Globalia, Javier Hidalgo. Something that absolutely does not exist. no indicationneither in this case nor in the “Koldo case”.

On the other hand, the magistrate asks the Aragonese businessman if someone had arranged for him to be appointed director of Banco Santander. The journalist even points out that this suspicion outraged the businessman. Something that can be verified in the recordings to which laSexta has had access.

Furthermore, in his testimony, which lasted no more than half an hour, Peinado stressed to Barrabés up to three times that I swore to tell the truth having testified as a witness, as required by law. A question that becomes important if we consider that the following week, the magistrate summoned the businessman as being instructed in this case.

Another point to highlight regarding the latest action of the investigating judge is that he has shared with the parties all the statements that have taken place in the case, except one: that of the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez. However, in an order, Peinado stressed that this recording will be provided when it is shared by the public company Madrid Digital, responsible for managing the recordings in the courts of Madrid. It should be noted that this company ultimately depends on the Community of Madrid, and therefore on the regional government of the popular Isabel Díaz Ayuso.




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