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know the tips to avoid it

During the first half of 2024, 23 people died from suicide in Navarre and the Ministry of Health has activated 163 Suicide Codes57% of them were women, a tool that facilitates identification and monitoring of people at risk.

In 2023, 63 people died For this reason, according to the data provided by the Provincial Government on the occasion of the commemoration of September 10, World Suicide Prevention Day.

He Suicide Code is a tool integrated into the Clinical History which facilitates the identification and monitoring of people at risk of suicide and improves patient safety in this situation, through preferential therapeutic care, reducing their disengagement from the health system.

This tool, along with other plans and actions, is part of those developed over the last ten years of existence of the Interinstitutional Coordination Commission for the Prevention and management of suicidal behavior in Navarre (Napresui) created in 2014 with the aim of preventing and improving the response offered to suicidal behavior.

Its main task, the foral government emphasizes, is to monitor Interinstitutional collaboration protocol for suicide prevention which is in the middle of an update phase.

This protocol, as he points out, is a reference and a pioneer throughout the State, it commits the entire Administration to suicide and his prevention and conceptualizes suicide as a problem that affects all institutions, including civil society, and not just health institutions.

In addition, they are leading other projects such as the dissemination of the guide to good police practices, research by psychological autopsy, the revision of the suicide protocol in education and the dissemination of the Health Suicide Codeamong others.

During this first decade with the commission, according to Adriana Goñi, secretary and mental health member of NAPRESUI, “important steps have been taken to reduce suicide deaths, intervene in attempts, improve the detection of at-risk casesand support both the families and the environment of the victims. We must continue working to achieve the objectives, giving impetus to the strategy that is our main work guide.

1st Napresui Communication Prize

A good communication around suicide It can play a very important role in suicide prevention, by combating taboos, stigma and false myths, while misinformation can cause an unwanted copycat effect in vulnerable people and cause irreparable damage to family and friends.

This is what the World Health Organization has maintained for years, and this is why Napresui is calling for the 1st Napresui Communication Prize recognize the works published in the Provincial Community that address the reality of suicide with respect, rigor and responsibility, and contribute to the important work of raising awareness among the population of this social problem.

All works published between September 1, 2024 and August 1, 2025 in Navarre can compete. The winner will receive a work of art entitled “Solutions”, designed and created for this prize by the artist Íñigo Aristegui.

Suicide, a problem that concerns the whole of society

Furthermore, knowing that suicide is a problem in which we must involve the whole societyISPLN establishes actions to promote emotional well-being at all stages of life, from birth to old age, in order to develop emotional management skills.

This is how the programs are promoted emotional well-being at the local level, Professionals are trained to take a collective approach to managing emotional well-being and actions are developed to promote healthy lifestyles.

Reference numbers

The Government of Navarre reminds us that If you are having suicidal thoughts, it is essential to talk about it and seek help. necessary. For this you can call 024, the Hope phone (948 24 30 40) or the emergency services (112).

In Navarre you can also contact Besarkada-Abrazo (622 207 743) for the support of other survivors or for bereavement support.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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