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HomeLatest NewsUPNA receives the 213 university students who come to Navarre to study...

UPNA receives the 213 university students who come to Navarre to study this course

A total of 213 foreign students (145 women and 68 men)coming from around thirty countriesthey will attend the Public University of Navarre (UPNA) the fall semester of this academic year 2024-25 within one of the international mobility programs which offer to the university establishment. Of this total, 34 students will follow the full course at UPNA. In addition, 35 other students from Spanish universities are also joining UPNA at the beginning of the year thanks to the national mobility program SICUE-Séneca. In addition, 19 foreign students are starting master’s studies at UPNA.

He foreign students arrive at the university since the end of August and has been participating in the international student welcome days. In this document, they were offered informative presentations on the content of the studies and on the cultural and sporting activities they can practice during their stay at the university.

As part of this to welcomecoordinated by the Vice-Rector for Internationalization and Cooperation, they are offered a guided tour of the university and informative lectures on the content of studies and cultural or sporting activities that can be carried out in the UPNAThey also have the opportunity to take a free intensive Spanish course at the university’s Higher Language Centre, lasting one week.

Henew arrivals They will also benefit from the help of UPNA students who participate in the Buddy Program, a welcoming initiative that consists of helping foreign students get to know Pamplona and the university and supporting them in other areas such as finding accommodation or completing certain procedures. In this course, there are about thirty students who volunteer for the program.

Programs and countries

As stated, the international student body comes from about thirty countries, mostly European, and is distributed as follows: Italy (53), Germany (17), France (13), Turkey (8), Poland and the Czech Republic, with two students; Portugal with 4; Holland, with 3; Denmark and Romania, with 2 each; and Austria, Belgium, Ireland, Greece and Slovakia, with one each.

Moreover, they come 22 students from Mexico; 13 from the United States; 12 from Chile; 13 from Peru; Colombia and Brazil contribute 3 each; Two others each from Canada and Argentina, and Bolivia, Puerto Rico, El Salvador and Uruguay contribute 1 each. In addition, 11 students from China, 3 from Taiwan and 2 from Israel participate. The following countries contribute one student each: Algeria, Burundi, Mauritius, Morocco, Ukraine, Pakistan and Japan.

By type of Erasmus+ program (for exchanges with students from Europe and other associated countries), with a total of 128 students, is the program from which the majority comes, followed by Palafox, for exchanges with Latin America, with 61. The rest of the students come from the ISEP USA program; bilateral agreements between universities or as guest students.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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