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We warm up the muscles, we go out on the track

His many enemies believed that Sánchez was buried among the dead, so he stuck out an arm, played the bugle, and the entire regiment returned to formation, ready to win the battle.

Feijóo creates a Potemkin village in Madrid

Hrundi V. Bakshi (Peter Sellers) is a third-rate actor of Indian origin who is shooting a film in the desert. His role is that of a bugler for a regiment of British troops. Every time the enemy troops resoundingly beat them, there is a moment of silence, and when the director is about to say Stop!, the trumpeter, again and again, starts playing his instrument, to the great despair of all the members of the troupe. filming. It was “El Guateque”, directed by Blake Edwards in the late sixties, and one of the funniest films I can remember. Ever. Maybe the Eye raised its elbow too much or the sun caused a neuronal short-circuit? Not at all. The fact is that Pedro Sánchez reminds him, not only in September, but on many other occasions, of that Bakshi who, insensitive to discouragement, considers that his work is not finished and returns, relentlessly, to surprise the respectable year after year, season after season, with a new exercise of audacity. Or impudence, as some think. His many enemies believed that he was buried among the dead, so he took out an arm, played the bugle and the whole regiment returned in formation, ready to win the battle.

For example, in this fortnight of return to work, he has already traveled to Africa and Beijing, he has appointed Escriva, directly, governor of the Bank of Spain and has replaced his chief of staff, Óscar López, new minister, with an unknown Diego. Rubio, with such a brilliant academic background – Columbia, Oxford, Sorbonne – and little written work, whether books or articles. Enigmatic gentleman. In addition, he has convened a Federal Committee and a new Congress for the end of November to set the course for the time he has left at the head of affairs, which will most likely be the three years he has left as president, without much difficulty. the hope – for the opposition – of a scandalous defenestration. In this Congress, moreover, the right and its acolytes in the Madrid press, as noisy as it is predictable and stifling, have already begun to see the tyrannical scythe of the great leader, so similar to Stalin, why look for less ridiculous examples, and now great purges are underway against the leaders who dare to question even a single comma of the texts decided by the crazy psychopath who presides over us. Because we already know that the left-wing parties never change their position. They carry out bloody purges. They do not change the leaders, they cut off their heads. But it does not seem that these threatening predictions coming from the right to take Page or Lambán to the orchard can bear fruit. Send them compliments, sing serenades on the balcony, but do not expect great movements. Life is hard.

And the rest of the parties, how are they facing this fall? We saw the PP a little ridiculous, with that photo of the leaders in front of a mansion belonging to Miss Pepis, a Moncloa fallen into ruin, in an action so comical that it looked like a parody of a comedy or a soap opera like “La Promesa”. They wanted to achieve a territorial unity of stone between their barons, without asking questions of course, but even the stupidest know that each of them will opt – and will do well – for the best conditions that the President of the Government offers them to improve the lives of their neighbors. The queen of vermouth has failed in her call for rebellion, a foolish claim from someone who is supposed to exercise leadership far beyond her real possibilities. Because Mazón, Mañueco or López Miras are more concerned with ensuring the financial health of the Valencian Community, Castile and León or Murcia, less than bowing their necks to Feijóo, who will be the boss, but money is money. And they cannot do the dirty tricks of Isabel Díaz Ayuso and her capital. It is funny that the PP, by the way, is so belligerent about the convening of the PSOE congress, that it needs to strengthen the leadership of Sánchez, so defeated, say his guys, but Feijóo is very careful to advance his own, for fear that this is the case.

We already know that Esquerra, from November 30, and Junts, from October 25 to 27. They are busy in their next conferences. Both with a rather turbulent internal situation, where leadership is strongly questioned. As much as the collaboration with the PSC of the Government of Catalonia and Madrid. We said last week that trying to determine where the winds would blow in both formations was almost esoteric. Their decisions, without a doubt, are very important for the governability of all Spaniards, but it is difficult, not only for the natives of Campo de Criptana or Chiclana, but for the Catalans themselves, always in the midst of a political vertigo that prevents reasonable forecasts. Will Junqueras return? And Puigdemont, where will the extravagant politician go from here you see me and then you don’t see me anymore? It is possible, just possible, that as the weeks go by and the dates of the respective conclaves approach, the intentions of each one become clearer. The political directions that their leaders set for the future are very important, that is true, but let us stop pretending that what matters to us today is what they are going to vote for tomorrow. It is vital for the future to draw the programmatic lines, but please tell me if you are going to roll back Sánchez’s budgets or if you are going to make Illa’s government fail. What will become of my life, what will it be.

And what can you tell me about Sumar and Podemos, about Podemos and Sumar? It is worth remembering that Yolanda Díaz resigned from the presidency of Sumar in June and that a transitional leadership formed by Lara Hernández, Elizabeth Duval, Txema Guijarro and Rosa Martínez was elected, in principle until this autumn, when the second Assembly of the Movement will be held. detained. . The situation, let’s not worry, does not seem the best to face major initiatives aimed at rebuilding this space to the left of the PSOE. The difficulties of bringing together the different forces that compose it, from Más Madrid to IU, as well as establishing a coherent line of action, caught between the practical necessities of the Sánchez government and the more centrifugal option of Podemos, always on the verge of leaving the institutional framework. Ione Belarra’s forces are also having meetings this fall, we’ll see where they come from, but there’s no sign, on either side, that unity is anywhere near on the horizon. Is there a way to reach out to their leaders, senior executives and middle managers who can’t leave millions of voters in the lurch? They’ll be very depressed or angry, but we, the respectable public, don’t give a damn about their psychological troubles. Get out into the countryside and manage to re-excite those citizens you’ve forgotten, jealous of extravagant Monty Python differences. Demonstrate your worth and commitment to the men, women and children who need you.

We do not forget, even if we wanted to, what will happen to Vox. Surely nothing, same insulting and destructive jargon, same racism, same homophobia, same contempt for gender violence. Vox has no remedy like all far-right groups. It is up to us, voters, to trap them in the dustbins of history, where they have been for so many years and where a clumsy and fearful right has given them wings and money.

And meanwhile, the world with this hair: Macron as Macron, Netanyahu as Netanyahu, Putin as Putin, Milei as Milei and the far right attacks democracy.

Addendum. Venezuelan opposition leader Edmundo González Urrutia – “at his request,” the official statement says – is in Spain after being granted political asylum. A major critic of the PP, the ineffable González Pons reveals that this execrable act represents a disgrace to “remove a problem from the dictatorship” of Maduro. It must surely bother them that Zapatero intervened. But can you imagine what this same boastful popular leader would have said if the Spanish government had refused to grant asylum to candidate González?


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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