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HomeLatest NewsCofares launches a challenge in the DataHub Marina de Empresas to improve...

Cofares launches a challenge in the DataHub Marina de Empresas to improve the efficiency of pharmacies through AI

Chests launched a new challenge in the DataHub, the benchmark innovation space in the use of data driven by Naval companiesa pole of entrepreneurship and innovation promoted by Juan Roig, in collaboration with Google Cloud.

Concretely, the challenge aims to make the daily life of the community pharmacist easier by developing a multimodal conversational assistant which helps professionals identify over-the-counter medications and health products from the incomplete descriptions sometimes provided by patients. The pharmacist will thus have one more tool on which to rely to carry out their essential work of listening and advising.

This challenge responds to Cofares’ commitment to innovation through the use of Artificial intelligence (AI), especially generative, which has opened up a range of possibilities for the organization to increase the capabilities already implemented in the pharmacy. All this, supported by the guarantee provided by the knowledge and experience of the community pharmacist, who is the one who mainly brings value in the field of pharmaceutical care.

To do this, participants will have access to a real database of pharmaceutical products and to Google Cloud Platformwhere they will have to develop large language models and perform natural language processing and computer vision with the aim of creating a conversational assistant trained in textual and visual information.

The organizers will select the best candidates from the Marina de Empresas groups and collaborating universities, the University of Valencia and the Polytechnic University of Valencia (professors, students, entrepreneurs or workers with knowledge in the field of data and development), as well as experts and professionals in the field outside the ecosystem interested in participating. The deadline for registration for the challenge, which will be held from October 18 to November 8 at Marina de Empresas, is now open.

Participating profiles

After selecting the participants, multidisciplinary teams will be formed (each with different profiles of Project Manager, AI/Data Scientist, Cloud Engineer and Back-End Developer) who will work for 20 days to propose a solution, which will be presented to a jury formed by Google managers, the challenger company and technology experts. Google Cloud will provide professional support and guidance throughout this process, and will provide free access to its toolset; while technology consultancy Sngular will provide industry experts to support the teams in developing the solution.

The objective of the DataHub, in which the three initiatives of Marina de Empresas (EDEM, Lanzadera and the Angels), is to provide solutions to real technological challenges in the field of data presented by large companies, in addition to being able to generate and share knowledge by disseminating scientifically developed innovations.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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