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HomeTop StoriesGovernment appoints Soledad Núñez as new vice-governor of the Bank of Spain

Government appoints Soledad Núñez as new vice-governor of the Bank of Spain

The Government has decided to appoint, on the proposal of the Governor of the Bank of Spain, to the economist Soledad Nunez as new deputy governor of the institutionafter having held a position on the organisation’s Board of Directors and Executive Commission since 2018, as well-informed sources confirmed to Europa Press.

Soledad Nuñez Ramos is Graduate in Economic Sciences from the Complutense University and a doctor in University of Minnesota Economics (United States) and has worked as an economist at the Bank of Spain for over 20 years.

He also played throughout his career work related to politicssince he held the position of Director General of Economic Policy of the Economic Office of the Presidency of the Government between May 2004 and February 2005, during the mandate of José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero. Later, he held the position of Director General of the Treasury and Financial Policy until the end of 2011.

She was also an external member of the ECB’s Target 2 System Committee between 2012 and 2015, the year in which she was appointed Director of Banco Madrid.

In 2012, the PSOE proposed to the PP – then in government – ​​the name of Soledad Núñez for the position of deputy governor of the Bank of Spain, during the mandate of Luis María Linde.

However, the “popular” did not see this appointment well due to his links with the previous executive and it was Fernando Restoy Lozano who was chosen to occupy this position, who was vice-president of the National Securities Market Commission (CNMV).




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