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HomeLatest Newsan Argentine priest who wants to excommunicate Francisco

an Argentine priest who wants to excommunicate Francisco

New chapter of the “Belorado soap opera”. After the cocktail priest and the false bishop De Rojas, and after the arrival of another pseudo-bishop, admirer of Hitler and originally from Brazil (Rodrigo Da Silva), the former schismatic nuns have a new spiritual assistant. And not just anyone. His name is Sergio Casas Vila, he is Argentinian like Francisco (although he considers the Pope as “a modernist who should be excommunicated”), and among his skills stands out the fact of having been a boxing judge and national champion in the preparation of mate, the national title. drink.

As Ngo Dinh Thuc announced yesterday on his ‘X’ account and the magazine confirmed New life, The religious had already begun to transmit the sacraments to the nuns once they had gotten rid of the first false bishop, De Rojas. In fact, Casas came into contact with the former Poor Clares during the summer and served as a link between the other bishops fakeDa Silva, and a third party previously unknown: the Thucista bishop (a sedevacantist group, closely linked to Palmar de Troya), Raphael Cloquell, on whom he would depend. In fact, as sources reveal, “once Rojas left the nuns, they began to receive the sacraments with Sergio Casas Silva.”

“We know from the photos that the Twitter account posted @BishopsThuc that Rojas, before meeting the nuns, participated in events in a house near where Raphael Cloquell works”, another Thucist bishop, apparently key in this story, since “Sergio Casas Silva depends on Raphael Cloquell”. Indeed, “Rodrigo da Silva reaches the nuns through Cloquell and Casas”. Already in Spain, more precisely in a restaurant in the Plaza Mayor of Madrid, “Rodrigo da Silva meets Casas Silva and Cloquell and then assists the nuns and they communicate the news to them”. Finally, “the delegates of Cloquell, Sergio Casas Silva and Rodrigo da Silva, leave Spain”.

The arrival of the Argentine priest in Belorado is already a reality, since he has registered in the city, and coincides with the departure of one of the lieutenants of the abbess, Sister Paz, who left Belorado a few days ago due to disagreements with the This arises from the schismatic nature of the nuns who remain confined to the convent of Burgos. At least until now, since once the local social services have made a mandatory report considering that the inhabitants of the convent are not in a situation of vulnerability, the Archbishopric of Burgos will activate, in the coming days, the complaint for illegal occupation of the convent. property, thus officially triggering a process of eviction of the nuns. For its part, the Ministry of the Interior has rejected the request of the former excommunicated Poor Clares to transform their religious congregation into a civil association, which would have allowed the three convents (Belorado, Orduña and Derio) in dispute to be put in their name.

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Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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