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Congress to recognize Edmundo Gonzalez as president of Venezuela as PNV joins PP

The PNV spokesman in Congress, Aitor Estebanconfirmed that his five assistants They will support in the plenary of the Congress the initiative of the PP which demands that the government recognizes the opponent. Edmundo Gonzalez Urrutia as legitimate president of Venezuela.

“We are clear that we will always face repression, dictatorship, obscurantism and Maduro, to whom we cannot give an inch,” Esteban said at a press conference in Congress.

The initiative, which will be debated on Tuesday but voted on Wednesday, is expected to be approved with the votes of PP, Vox, UPN, Canarian Coalition and PNVwhich add up 177 deputies.

However, the PNV spokesman does not take this approval for granted: “I don’t know if it will go badly because there is people who specialize in clumsiness and throw a log in the middle of the stream so that things don’t go as planned.” Despite this, everything indicates that he will move forward.

The PNV, key

After Edmundo González arrived in Spain this Sunday to request asylum, the Popular Party increased pressure on the government to recognize him as the winner of the July 28 elections in Venezuela.

This Tuesday, starting at 3:00 p.m., Congress will debate and vote on a non-legislative proposal from the PP in which it urges the Executive to proceed with this recognition. This movement It does not bind the government.

The five votes of the PNV were decisive for this initiative to move forward. The PSOE has already announced that it will vote against it because it continues to demand, in the words of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Jose Manuel Albares, THE presentation of electoral files so that they can be verified, because otherwise no alleged victory could be recognized.

In fact, Aitor Esteban said he “understands” Albares’ position that recognizing González as president could harm the intermediation position that Spain is leading and that has proven “effective” in processing the opposition candidate’s request for political asylum.

With this proposal, Feijóo’s party also calls for an end to the repression against the protests, the release of political prisoners and to contribute to the personal safety of María Corina Machado and González Urrutia himself. They also demand that the government lead the recognition of González in the European institutions with the aim of accessing the presidency of Venezuela on January 10, 2025.

[Editorial: Gato blanco o gato negro, lo importante es quién presida en enero Venezuela]

In the text, the PP takes advantage of the explanatory part of the proposal to accuse the former President of the Government José Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, the one who reproaches him “silence”a clear example, they say, “of this unacceptable lack of commitment to truth and justice.”

Sanchez will meet Edmundo

From China, where the President of the Government is on an official trip, Pedro Sanchezcensored this Tuesday that “any political reading” made of the presence in Spain of the Venezuelan opponent “is inappropriate” because his asylum in our country is “a gesture of humanity.”

Sánchez confirmed that he would meet Edmundo González upon his return from China and depending on the time of his arrival in Madrid. this thursday You can do it the same day or, if not, Friday.

In this meeting, as he explained, he wants to know first-hand how González and his family are doing after requesting asylum in Spain due to an arrest warrant from the Venezuelan regime.

Also censored PP criticismwhose leader, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, came to affirm that the one who wins with the departure of Edmundo González from Venezuela is Nicolás Maduro because “the democratic politician who won the elections had to leave and the dictator who lost them remains and controls the government.

The rest of the PP leaders have maintained the same line, considering that the presence of the Venezuelan opposition in Spain does not mean doing a service to democracy, but rather remove one problem from the Maduro dictatorship.




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