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The Valencia Provincial Council will review the personnel stabilization procedures for the 2022 job offer

The Valencia Provincial Council will automatically examine the procedures of staff stabilization included in the public job offer 2022. The extraordinary plenary session that opened the course in the corporation this Tuesday approved the proposal of the general administration sector led by Ricardo Gabaldón with the votes in favor of the PP, Ens Uneix and Vox, the abstention of Compromís and the only vote against the socialist group.

The decision of the provincial executive responds to the decree of March 2024 which cancels the stabilization process of the general administration technician positionsand the subsequent report of the secretary of the institution that requests a review of all procedures, from June of that same year. “There is a judgment that considers the bases of the OPE 2022 approved in this plenary session to be abusive. Specifically, the order says that the bases violate the limit of what is tolerable by establishing an unjustified differentiation that prioritizes experience in the Provincial Council more than four times over other institutions to access a position,” explains the deputy.

Gabaldón defended the actions of the provincial government, which only aims to “comply with current legislationto the sentence and report of the Secretary of the Provincial Council, reviewing the processes before the end of the year to resolve the situation of the 5,549 people who participated in one of the 28 ongoing job calls.

And the head of the General Administration adds that “the inaction of the government which formed the PSPV and compromisewhich did not address during the last legislature these processes that they themselves approved, cannot be used now to question the actions of those of us who work to reduce temporary employment in public employment and promote the permanent contracts that the law defends, avoiding abuses and respecting the times.

Hand in hand with the unions

The debate preceding the vote on the main item on the agenda revolved around the urgency of the margin to review the processes and the role that unions must play in the roadmap set until the end of the year, the deadline established by law. correct the bases. In this sense, Compromís spokesperson Dolors Gimeno justified the approval of the 2022 bases in “a good faith agreement that we have achieved with the workers and the unions. Gimeno understands the legal problem, but “we do not really see that there is so little time left to discuss with the unions and minimize the effects of the decision.”

For his part, the socialist deputy Jorge Vidal deplored that the stabilization process “affects a hundred people with names and surnames who, in three months, will see how their future is decided after a year of inaction.” Vidal emphasizes that “the majority unions are against it and very worried,” and reproaches Gabaldón for “not taking into account the opposition on an issue that affects the backbone of the institution.”

Ricardo Gabaldón responded to the opposition representatives. In the case of Dolors Gimeno, the Head of Personnel reminded him that “The deadlines are those determined by the legislation and legality in force.” Regarding the criticisms of the socialist deputy Jorge Vidal, the deputy of the General Directorate wanted to clarify that the full approval represents “the beginning of the procedure”. Of course, we will sit down as many times as necessary with the unions, as we have been doing since the beginning of the legislature, and we will listen to all stakeholders to stabilize the workforce and reduce the interim. Gabaldón insists that the decision “defends general interests and is the result of the inaction of the one who approved these bases at the time”. “Voting against is not caring about the people who are waiting for an answer, both those who work in the Provincial Council and the more than 5,000 who are waiting”, he concludes.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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