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Government approves spending ceiling that was overturned by Junts as a preliminary step to budgets

The government maintains the same roadmap which he set in July and that It has already been rejected by Junts in order to try to approve the General State Budgets. At a press conference following the Council of Ministers, the First Vice-President and Minister of Finance, Maria Jesus Monterocalled on the PP to support these objectives if it does not want to “make an adjustment” in the City Halls and autonomous communities.

Montero argues that the same path is maintained because gives greater tax room to autonomous communities and municipal councils to finance their services, by granting two tenths more for the years 2025 and 2026. “This path fits well with the characteristics of the government. In the face of the noise from the right, we have a roadmap. We remain eager to present the budgets,” Montero confessed to the media.

The stability trajectory approved this Tuesday has the same objectives as in July, when it was rejected, and foresees that the public deficit will fall to 2.5% of GDP in 2025, 2.1% in 2026 and 1.8% in 2027. The adjustment that Montero referred to would be 6,600 million euros for the communities and 4,950 million in two years for local entities, with more than 11.5 billion euros of adjustments.

Spanish government to present 2025 budgets“, whether with the path approved today, hopefully, or with the previous one,” Montero warned. The total amount of this spending ceiling is 199.171 million euros by 2025, which means only 0.03% more that the current figure is a new record.

Congress rejected the first path to stability in July after The Junts will add their voices to those of the PP and Voxin full negotiation for the investiture of Salvador Illa as president of the Generalitat. The vote of Junts should change so that the new path can move forward.

If he is not ultimately supported, Montero announced that he would present a draft budget for 2025. based on current pathwhich sets the public deficit at 2.7% next year, but is stricter with the autonomous communities and municipalities.




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