Home Top Stories A 27-year-old young man dies in Pol (Lugo) after leaving the road...

A 27-year-old young man dies in Pol (Lugo) after leaving the road and falling into a river

A 27-year-old young man dies in Pol (Lugo) after leaving the road and falling into a river

A 27-year-old young man lost his life this Saturday after leaving the road and fall into the Azumara Riverpassing through the town of Lugo, Pol.

The incident occurred at kilometer point 103 of the LU-P-1611 highway around 11:00 p.m. At that time, an individual alerted 112 Galicia that a vehicle had left the road and fallen into the river. Furthermore, in his communication he emphasized that the driver could be stuck.

With this information, the operators of the emergency center informed the Galicia-061 Health Emergency Service, the Civil Guard of Traffic, the Voluntary Group of Civil Protection Pol and the Vilalba Fire Brigade, who had to use equipment of release to free the driver and sole occupant of the vehicle.


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