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“His drift against the PSOE is enormous”

Jose Luis Escrivá begins his term in Bank of Spain with a number 2 who does not hide his sympathy for the PSOE, Soledad Nuñez Ramos. The government of Pedro Sanchez appointed deputy governor of Bank of Spain to the former senior official of Zapatero who is characterized by his activism anti-PP on his social networks, in which he also gives voice to attacks on the media. The Council of Ministers gave the green light this Tuesday to Escrivá’s proposal, a week after confirming the name of the former Minister of Digital Transformation and Civil Service as governor.

Soledad Núñez Ramos has maintained ties with the PSOE in the workplace, as a former senior PSOE official. José Luis Rodriguez Zapaterosomething that is also reflected on social networks. In these, Escrivá’s number 2 usually attacks the PP, censors the media, faithfully defends the socialists… In fact, in some of her messages (written with striking spelling mistakes) she alludes to Zapatero, Mariano Rajoy, Isabel Diaz Ayuso either Alberto Nuñez Feijoo.

The economist also does not hesitate to exchange messages directly with information professionals. Thus, in one of his tweets, he responds to one of them to highlight his “litany for the PSOE” and the absence of “the equivalent for the PP”. In another, with an ironic tone, he criticizes the fact that everything is attributed to the PSOE, especially to Zapatero, congratulates the parliamentary initiatives of the socialists and appeals to Rajoy. These are just some examples that the PP has shared to highlight, sarcastically, “the independent profile” from the new vice-governor of the Bank of Spain.

Escrivá’s number 2 also uses her account to give voice to those who, it seems, intend to silence the free press. Thus, on her wall one can read a criticism of the “formidable drift of the media against the PSOE» : “It is legitimate, but the loss of objectivity in the evaluations of the debate is not.”

Regarding her allusions to Núñez Feijóo and Ayuso, Soledad Núñez refers to the two popular leaders when evoking the Civil war. The Vice Governor of the Bank of Spain responds to the statements in which the President of the Community of Madrid indicates that her grandparents never spoke to her about the war because they wanted it “without hatred”. To this he responds that his grandfather “was shot and buried in a ditch” for having “worked in a republican town hall“, as detailed in the message in which he mentions Feijóo.

A former senior Zapatero official and the PP veto

Added to the showcase of socialist activism on their networks is their resume. Soledad Núñez held two high positions during the two terms of José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, the Directorate General for Economic Policy of the Economic Office of the Presidency of the Government (2004-2005) and that of the General Directorate of Treasury and financial policy (2005-2011). In fact, this relationship with the Socialist Executive motivated the PP to reject his nomination to the same position that the Sánchez government had assigned to him this Tuesday, considering him a very politicized profile.

It was 2012, the year the PP governed with Mariano Rajoywhen the PSOE proposed to the people the name of the economist for the position of deputy governor of the Bank of Spain, under the mandate of Luis Maria Linde as governor of the institution (2012-2018). They finally opted for Fernando Restoy Lozanowho was until then vice-president of the National Securities Market Commission (CNMV).

After 20 years of experience at the Bank of Spain, Soledad Núñez will accompany José Luis Escriva in his term as governor of the institution. She will be the number 2 of the former minister of Sánchez, who until his term held the portfolio of Digital Transformation and Civil Service. controversial nomination a week ago.

With these movements, Sánchez intends to ensure put an end to criticism of the Bank of Spain to its economic policy, constant during the mandate of Pablo Hernandez de CosMany of those who currently work for the former minister have expressed their disagreement with his new position, considering it a new attempt by Sánchez to occupy the institutions.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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