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HomeLatest NewsCourt investigates Alcalá de Henares mayor for illegal dissemination of police reports

Court investigates Alcalá de Henares mayor for illegal dissemination of police reports

The Court of Instruction Number 2 of Alcalá de Henares summoned the mayor of Alcalá de Henares, Judith Piquet, to testify as an investigator on November 19 for the alleged commission of a crime of infidelity in the custody of a document in relation to the alleged leak of two complaints of sexual assault related to migrants.

In the summons, to which Europa Press has had access, the judge also calls the head of the press of the municipality of Alcalá and the head of the local police of that city to testify. Municipal sources indicate that the mayor hopes that the procedure will be archived.

The case, in which the PSOE is exercising the popular accusation, is linked to the controversy created in mid-January when Piquet assured in several public interventions that there had been two complaints of sexual assault without a known perpetrator in which he referred to the person responsible as “a young black man”.

She did so after the regional president, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, went to that city to hold the Government Council to support the mayor after serious altercations between immigrants transferred by the Central Executive of the Canary Islands to the Reception, Emergency and Reference Center (CAED), located in the Primo de Rivera barracks.

The president assured in the press conference after the Government Council that in the municipality, in the Primo de Rivera barracks where the migrants are, “several serious fights” had taken place and assured that there had been “sexual assaults against some women in the municipality”, as they reported.

To these remarks was responded the government delegate in Madrid, Francisco Martín, who, a few hours later, denied the existence of possible sexual assaults perpetrated by migrants and considered that it was “extremely serious to mix migration and insecurity.”

“What the president said has nothing to do with reality, neither objective nor subjective. They are harmful, generate alarm and go against coexistence. They are not accredited by the data,” the government delegate pointed out.

After that, the secretary general of the PP of Madrid, Alfonso Serrano, made public on his account the aggression on social networks.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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