Sunday, September 22, 2024 - 10:13 pm
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“I don’t feel obliged to sign”

Witnesses and investigation by Judge Peinado in the Begoña Gómez case They reconstructed the case in response to questions from the Judge Juan Carlos Peinadothe majority lifting suspicions on the master’s degree headed by the wife of the President of the Government.

This is demonstrated by the audios of the statements that LaSexta had access to, starting with the sponsors. For example, La Caixa Foundation They said they would finance Gómez’s chair again, as Marc Simón made clear.

“What we assessed with the report is that it is positive and that Yes, we would be willing to continue“, he said. However, the Reale Group thought about it more. It was the first project they participated in this way and they found it very interesting, but the results got worse.

“The thing is, the conference was losing content (…) and, by losing content, well It no longer made sense to continue collaborating.“, confessed Ignacio Mariscal.

The vice-rector of the Complutense authorized it without any problem. We are talking about Juan Carlos Doadriowho even actively participates in politics, within the Popular Party. He checked the documentation and denies that there was any pressure: “I don’t feel obligednot at all. If the documentation is good, go for it.”

Another witness, from the Barrabés group, disputes Begoña’s letters of support for the competitions that the company entered. Leticia Lauffer He signed them, but assures that because his master was linked.

“That nothing has been done, nothing was paid”defends Lauffer, who clarifies that Begoña Gómez’s ticket to London was paid “and that’s it.” Another executive linked to Globalia rejects that the government’s rescue of the company during the pandemic has anything to do with Begoña Gómez. In addition, the work with the president’s wife was never finished.

Where there is still the most shadow is in the meetings in Moncloa. The rector of the Complutense, under investigation, justifies the only one he had: “The University was closed because We were in the post-pandemic period and there were only a few secretariats. “The initiative for the meeting in Moncloa belongs to Mrs. Begoña Gómez Fernández.”

However, Barrabés, businessman and master’s professor of Begoña, instructed in the case, recounts several meetings, also with Pedro Sánchez. Account that He went to see Begoña Gómez “several times” Then he went to see Sánchez, he said, to talk about SMEs and innovation.




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