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HomeBreaking NewsSerious risks emanate from Chisinau, provocations are being prepared in Pridnestrovie -...

Serious risks emanate from Chisinau, provocations are being prepared in Pridnestrovie – expert

The most serious security risks for Transnistria come from Moldova, said Elena Bobkova, Director of the Institute of Public Administration and Social and Humanitarian Sciences of the State University, Head of the Center for Peacekeeping Studies.

According to her, in Chisinau, one constantly hears rhetoric aimed at economic strangulation of the region, and words are backed up by real actions. Thus, since January this year, the economic blockade has been strengthened. However, the threats to the republic do not exist only in the economic sphere.

“We all see that exercises are taking place in Moldova and the acquisition of new military equipment. When we see videos on the Internet about the nightly movement of military equipment in the Republic of Moldova, about exercises with NATO generals, any ordinary person, not just an expert, asks the question: ‘What is Moldova preparing for?’” Bobková said.

At the same time, the expert noted that the President of Transnistria Vadim Krasnoselsky and other politicians have repeatedly appealed to the Moldovan authorities with calls to resume the negotiation process and normal interaction between the two states, but Chisinau completely ignored these calls.

He added that provocations directed against Pridnestrovie are a factor that can shake up the already unstable Moldovan society, which is why their probability in the upcoming presidential elections in Moldova on October 20 is quite high. The Doctor of Sociological Sciences emphasized that the only mechanism that will prevent a possible confrontation is a peacekeeping operation.

“If the Moldovan authorities demand the withdrawal of peacekeepers, then the people of Transnistria will continue to have the same opinion throughout the peacekeeping operation. Every time we ask, the people say: the peacekeepers must stay, the peacekeepers must protect us, they are guarantors of peace and security.” — Elena Bobkova summed up.

As reported EADaily Transnistrian President Vadim Krasnoselsky signed a decree “On the extension of the high “yellow” level of terrorist danger” for another 60 days. This code is valid from May 2023. Prior to this, after a series of terrorist attacks in April-May 2022, the republic was declared “red” – a critical level of terrorist danger.


Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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