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HomeBreaking NewsAn unexpected attack from Iran: Is Tehran turning Moscow towards the West?

An unexpected attack from Iran: Is Tehran turning Moscow towards the West?

Iran has again increased its activity in discussions around the Zangezur Corridor. Of course, this activism is based on the principle of obstruction, adhering to tradition. However, if official Tehran used to characterize its opposition to the Zangezur Corridor with the principle of defending Armenia and against Azerbaijan, this time the tension observed is between Tehran and Moscow. It is interesting that Iran is not making claims against Armenia, which brings the West to its knees, which it considers its enemy, but against Russia, which is an important partner. However, the Zangezur Corridor is an issue involving Azerbaijan, Armenia and Russia, and this process is based on paragraph 9 of the Tripartite Declaration signed on November 10, 2020. According to this provision, the security of the transport corridor that will link the western regions of Azerbaijan and Nakhchivan will be ensured by the forces of the Russian Federal Security Service.

Iran’s claim that “the Zangezur corridor can become a NATO corridor” is nothing but slander, an absurd and meaningless approach born from the lack of a solid argument. Because it attracts the West, led by the United States, to the region, takes advantage of the so-called observer mission of the European Union and, in practice, is militarily armed by the United States and France, in short, it is rapidly leaning towards the West and trying to establish the base of NATO, its military-political organization, crossing Iran’s red line. If there are Armenia, Russia, which fights NATO, and Azerbaijan, which maintains the balance in foreign policy, then in which case. Can the Zangezur corridor be a NATO corridor? This unthinkable approach of Iran indicates that Tehran wants to play a game between the West and Russia, or it adopts the line of getting closer to the West because of the insistence of the reformist wing newly represented in power or because of the necessity arising from coercion. Given that the Iranian president cannot single-handedly determine the political course of the country, the main role is played by the country’s supreme leader. In such a case, the question arises: is this the line of the new Iranian president or of the supreme leadership? But even if a question arises here, Iran’s line of distancing itself from Russia is a slogan, a concrete position. It seems that Tehran is trying to distance itself from Moscow and wants to make another contribution to Russia’s exit from the region.

Political commentator Zeynal Amraliyev also Oku.AzIn his statement, he attributed Iran’s sudden increase in activity around the Zangezur Corridor to several reasons:

“First of all, official Tehran is jealous of Russia and Turkey’s activities in the South Caucasus. We saw this at the opening of the Turkey-Russia Monitoring Center, established after the 44-day Patriotic War. At that time, Iran made several statements, but Iran could not achieve anything alone against the West. Such an attitude of the rest of Iran towards Russia is a very wrong step and may lead to Tehran remaining completely alone.

“It is interesting that the West supports Armenia, but Iran accuses Moscow, not Yerevan. In this regard, Iran’s actions are not understandable. At the same time, some of these issues also concern Azerbaijan. It is true that Tehran does not name names. “But constantly attacking our country is an unacceptable approach. We have always wanted to restore friendly relations with Iran. This opportunity arose especially after the election of Masoud Pezeshkia. Unfortunately, the new team does not live up to our expectations,” the commentator said.

Amraliyev said that Iran should respect the provisions of the Tripartite Declaration signed between Azerbaijan, Russia and Armenia:

“One of the articles of this declaration specifically provides for the opening of the highway from the main part of Azerbaijan to Nakhchivan. Apparently, we are talking about the opening of a transport corridor. No one is trying to change the regional borders as claimed by Iran. The second issue is that the corridor will be provided from the territory of Armenia. What does this have to do with Iran?

“The fact that Tehran calls this corridor “NATO’s path” is also a complete political manipulation. Because Iran’s red line is Armenia, thanks to the red line it supports, Armenia is currently under the boots of American soldiers. However, Iran is still looking for the culprit somewhere else. The new government in this country is made up of relatively Western forces. It seems that this is why Pezeshki’s government wants to get closer to the West, but the way to do this is not to oppose the Zangezur corridor. Iran will understand this, the sooner it realizes it, the better,” our interviewer concluded.

Merahim Nasib


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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