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The tragedy of a family evicted in Palma due to a debt to a loan shark

Catalina Pomar and his disabled child are living their last days in their house in Palma before being expelled. After more than 40 years of living in this house in the Camp Redó neighborhood, the family is forced to leave the house for a debt from twelve years ago who could not pay a usurer particular.

Catalina Pomar’s late husband has requested a loan of 40,000 euros. The transaction was carried out before a notary, but at the time of expiration, the money could not be returned. That is why the lender put the house up for auction, which was acquired by a private investment fund for only 15,000 euroswhen the value of the house is at least 200,000 euros.

The house no longer belongs to Catalina Pomar, who suffered a few years ago stroke that left after-effectsShe is therefore forced to collect her belongings and leave. At the moment, they have nowhere to go once they are evicted. With the help of the platform for people affected by mortgages in Mallorca, they are desperately looking for a alternative to housing so that they can settle down and live with dignity.

A neighbor from Camp Redó (Palma) comforts Catalina Pomar’s son.

a small victory

The eviction was originally scheduled to take place this morning. In fact, the family had left the house alone in tears and the anger of no longer being able to return to what has been their home for 40 years. Pomar and his son were already on the street with their belongings and their cat, ready to leave the place.

A few neighbors from the Camp Redó district of Palma approached comfort to Raul, who suffers from a 50% disability and who could not avoid collapsing on the threshold of the building because of the drama he is experiencing with his mother and brothers. However, sadness turned into joy in a few minutes.

And the family concerned obtained a small victory. Due to the lack of police officers to carry out the eviction with maximum security, the controversial eviction was postponed to next Thursday, September 26Catalina Pomar and her six children will thus have a roof over their heads to live under for at least another 16 days.

Pomar’s lawyer filed a request for the family to continue living in the house because they are in a situation of obvious vulnerability. However, the investment fund that now owns the property has rejected this possibility.

The people concerned received notification of the eviction from the court last August. They barely had time to demonstrate their vulnerable situation and end an expulsion that can no longer be reversed. The little income that Pomar receives, of which a widow’s pension from her husbandThey don’t allow him to pay rent, much less a new apartment.

At the address where this family resides, located on the street Saint Vincent de PaulThere is a clear lack of hygiene. The strong smell can be felt from the main entrance. However, social services have never come to the aid of Catalina Pomar, who, according to her, only joined them after her husband died. There was no social worker this morning either, only neighbors and court officials.

Today, Pomar has a challenge ahead of him: finding a new home and being able to take care of his son. Eviction is inevitable and all the moments the woman has spent with her son will disappear on September 26 thanks to an investment fund that acquired the house at a bargain price.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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