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HomeLatest News9,100 electric charging stations still not working in Spain

9,100 electric charging stations still not working in Spain

The number of electric vehicle charging stations installed in Spain continues to grow, but there is still a high rate of those that are not working, according to data extracted from the latest Electromobility barometer published by ANFAC, corresponding to the second quarter of 2024.

Concretely, the non-operational points have seen an increase of 5.8%, going from 8,645 to 9,145. From ANFAC, they emphasize that yes The more than 9,000 charging centers will become operational“they would bring the public charging network to 44,843, almost reaching the 2023 target.”

The barometer indicates that “Spain continues on the path of electrification“, noting that those of “public access increased by 10% compared to the previous quarter to 35,698 points, or 3,276 points more.”

Accelerating electrification

Similarly, the document emphasizes that “records an increase of four tenths in the Global Electromobility Indicator”, the thermometer that assesses the penetration of electrified vehicles and the installation of publicly accessible charging infrastructure.

This indicator reached 15.1 points, which, “although the index experienced a increase compared to the previous reportThe European average almost doubles the Spanish average: 29.1 compared to 15.1,” estimates ANFAC.

ANFAC highlights that during the recent meeting between the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, and the new president of ANFAC, Josep Maria RecasensThe association has transmitted to the Executive its priority in accelerating the electrification and decarbonization process in our country, as well as the sector’s desire to continue promoting public-private collaboration in the deployment of electric mobility.

From the association, they recall that “sales of electrified passenger cars They must be reactivated if Spain is to achieve its objectives. of emission reduction.

Market share

The market share of this type of passenger car stands at 10.9% in August 2024, with a drop in sales of 18.6%. In this sense, the general director of ANFAC, José López-Tafall, recalled that “we hope that the market will be encouraged in the last quarter with the renewal of the funds of the Plan MOVEMENTS III and the continuation of the 15% deduction of personal income tax of 3,000 euros for the purchase of an electric car until the end of the year. “We are at the best time to buy a vehicle of this type as far as aid is concerned.”

Lopez-Tafall, on the other hand, also insisted that “it is necessary to give message to the citizen of stability in aid. Today we don’t even know if there will be a MOVES plan in 2025.

Data by communities

Regarding the overall electromobility indicator, it is noted that six autonomous communities are experiencing growth above the average of 15.1. Specifically, the regions are Madrid, Navarre, Catalonia, Castile-La Mancha, Balearic Islands And Castile and Leontwo more than the previous quarter.

In terms of quarterly growth, the regions with the most pronounced increases are Navarra (1.6 points), Castilla-La Mancha (1 point) and Extremadura, Castile and Leon and the Canary Islands, with 0.8 points.

9,100 non-operational points

ANFAC emphasizes that “the Vehicle charging infrastructure is another area to work on.“, explaining that in the second quarter of the year, “the charging infrastructure indicator obtained a score of 8.7 points out of 100.”

Likewise, he considers it “very positive that the variation over the previous three months is significant (more than 1 point), but at the same time it is important reduce the high number of charging stations installed out of servicewhich increased by 5.8%, from 8,645 to 9,145 inactive points.

The reasons why there are more than 9,100 non-operational charging stations in Spain highlight the fact that “They are not in good conditionare not functioning properly or have not been directly connected to the electricity distribution network. These represent 20.4% of the 44,843 points installed in the country.

Quarters by the tail

The ANFAC Barometer shows that Spain does not change its position in the European ranking compared to the previous edition in recharge, with a score of 8.7. Only behind our country do we find Italy (8.6), Czech Republic (6.1) and Hungary (4.1). For its part, the European average increased by two points during these three months, reaching 18 points.

At the national level, the growth of Asturias (+2.2), Navarre (+2) and Castile-La Mancha (+1.2). Likewise, the evolution observed in different parts of the Spanish geography is asymmetrical, which increases the differences between the autonomous communities.

Spain must accelerate electric charging infrastructure and electric vehicle sales

Insufficient ultra-fast chargers

The electromobility barometer data also conclude that the number of ultra-fast charging points “remains rare” in Spain, since in this second part of 2024 the public charging infrastructure has increased to reach 35,698 operational charging points.

This means that there are 3,276 more than in the data corresponding to the first quarter report, which translates to growth higher than that recorded from January to March 2024.

The ultra-fast charging network greater than or equal to 150 kW increases by 309 new charging stations. Currently, Spain has 2,412 points with this power.which represents 6.7% of the total network.

Average recharge time

ANFAC emphasizes that “the development of this type of charger is necessary to be able to bring charging times closer to those of a conventional vehicleas well as to facilitate the development of the activity of goods and tourist transport vehicles.

Similarly, 29% of our country’s public charging infrastructure has a power greater than 22 kW. According to the objectives estimated by ANFAC, 51% of charging stations should have powers greater than 22 kW in 2024.

Thus, in 71% of the charging points it has in Spain The waiting time for recharging is estimated at around 3 hoursDuring this second quarter, 1,045 charging stations with a power of less than or equal to 22 kW were installed.

Improve the infrastructure map

ANFAC is committed to establishing a series of public-private collaboration tools that “facilitate a deployment of the capillary charging station networkin quantity and quality, such as the creation of a State Center managed by the Ministry of Transport and responsible for supervising, coordinating and guaranteeing the development of this national network.

Furthermore, he claims that it is essential improve the current map of charging infrastructurelaunched by the Ministry of Ecological Transition, with accurate and real-time information on the location, availability, operation and prices of energy in chargers available across the country.

Lack of signage

“We are moving forward, but we need to give more confidence to the user. There are a large number of public charging stations on our roads, but unfortunately Nobody sees them because they are not marked“It’s ineffective,” says José López-Tafall, ANFAC’s general director.

To address these shortcomings, the employers’ organization emphasizes that “during our recent meeting, we asked the government to implement a shock plan to signal the charging network before January 2025 already existing on the state roads, and thus give confidence to the user. In Spain, there have been experiences of urgent change of signals for various reasons, such as energy efficiency; “Accelerating electrification would now deserve a similar effort.”


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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