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Parliament blames Le Senne for resorting to justice to fly the LGTBI flag

Parliament has censured the president of the institution, Gabriel Le Senne, for filing a complaint with the contentious-administrative courts for the display of the LGTBI flag on the façade of the Balearic Chamber during Pride Day.

The deputies of the PP, PSOE, Més per Majorque, the Mixed Group and the non-attached Xisco Cardona voted in favour of a PSOE motion on LGTBI policies, in which The separatists introduced an amendment to complain that the president of the chamber filed a complaint for the display of this symbol.

The proposal was rejected by Vox MPs and non-attached members. Agustin Buades and the person responsible for his defense was the socialist deputy Ares Fernandez, who recalled that Le Senne still presides over the chamber “thanks to the PP”.

The MP considered it “absolutely regrettable” that in the 21st century the use of the rainbow flag must be defended and stressed that the “discomfort” it generates is due to what it symbolizes, the “recognition of rights”, and not to the symbol itself.

Vox spokesperson in Parliament, Manuela Canadasjustified his party’s opposing vote by attempting to “collectivize citizens’ rights.”

According to him, the left and the media through the “progressive consensus woke up» promote the “division of society into artificial collectives”, while Vox promotes a vision of Spain based on “the unity of the Spanish people”.

Cañadas also assured that At Vox they are “horrified” to see the increase in aid to combat the eradication of LGTBI-phobia announced this Monday by the Ministry of Family and Social Affairs, while families with dependent persons are “abandoned”.

The PP deputy Pedro Manuel Fernandeza describes these accusations as “absurdities” and “barbarities”at the same time as he claimed the management of the sector minister, Catalina Cirer, with the initiative of adapted leisure activities or the increase in home care hours.

Similarly, he justified the vote in favour of his formation by the Human rights must be defended and as a criticism of the events that occurred after the display of the LGTBI flag in Parliament.

The amendment, in addition to the censure of Le Senne, also includes the recognition and promotion of Pride Day and the Day against LGTBI Phobia, support for entities and organizations that work and fight for the rights of LGTBI people throughout the Balearic Islands or. the commitment of Parliament to remove the LGTBI flag on Pride Day is confirmed.

The commitment to promote peaceful and inclusive coexistence is also reaffirmed, any hate speech, discrimination or violence against LGTBI people is firmly rejected, the central government and the government are called upon to promote the creation of a National agreement against hate speech.

Likewise, the burning of the LGTBI flag is condemned attached to the educational center of the IES Albuhaira de Muro, the government is invited to create an LGTBI Observatory of the Balearic Islands, as an instrument that allows collecting and analyzing data and information to channel public action, and develop and integrate new programs and detection protocols and protection of minors victims of LGTBI-phobic school bullying.

On the other hand, Parliament urges the European Union to use all political and legal tools at the disposal of the European Commission to guarantee the rights of all EU citizens in the face of anti-LGTBI legislative initiatives by Member States.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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