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HomeTop StoriesGovernment denounces Feijóo's "cynicism" after blocking agreement on migrant minors

Government denounces Feijóo’s “cynicism” after blocking agreement on migrant minors

The leader of the popular parties, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, traveled to the Canary Islands on Tuesday where he met with their regional president, Fernando Clavijo. There they arrived an agreement on immigration issues. A question that has not been free of criticism from government ministers, hence has been called “cynicism” the performance of the popular, after before the summer their group at the Congress opposed to immigration law reform which would have brought relief to the regions hardest hit by the phenomenon of regular migration, including the Canary Islands.

The first to speak was the Minister of Territorial Policy and Clavijo’s predecessor at the head of the Canary Islands government, Ángel Víctor Torres, who assured LaSexta that this pact was “a kind of partisan agreement” in which the Canarian Coalition (CC) joins “the thesis of the PP, which in turn joins the thesis of the ultra-right.”

On the “no” of the people in the Congress of Deputies – with that of Vox and Junts – to the modification of article 35 of the immigration law proposed before the summer holidays and which would have allowed the distribution of migrant minors In other regions of Spain, Torres recalled that this agreement was signed by nine political groups.

In the eyes of the minister, Feijóo’s goal is not to solve the problem, but “make partisan use” of the “emergency” that the Canary Islands and Ceuta are experiencing. “If you really believe in the emergency, there is a document that has been in preparation for eight months. Vote yes and we will change what can be changed.”

He also clarified that His will is to continue working alongside the PP and in collaboration with the communities and stressed that the ministry is finalizing a “rigorous, realistic, objective and updated document on the resources available to the autonomous communities.”

The Minister of Migration, Elma Saiz, also reacted with this exercise of memory. In statements to the media in the Senate, he criticized the fact that Feijóo he usually does “performances” and promotes “false agreements”, but turns his back on the Canary Islands because he voted against the reform of the immigration law.

“I call once again on Mr. Feijóo to stop the messages, the ‘false’ agreements, the performances and What you need to do is roll up your sleeves and get to work diligently. and, of course, to be truly on the side of the Canary Islands, not to go to a territory on which he has categorically and inexplicably turned his back.” According to him, the popular leader seeks to “confuse and annoy the debate.”

Saiz stressed that Feijóo’s criticism of the government is “unfounded” and constitutes a “journey to nowhere”since the Executive, he said, has a “clear roadmap” on immigration issues. “Every time I hear Mr. Feijóo say that the Spanish government does not have an immigration policy, it hurts me not only because Mr. Feijóo’s only policy is to criticize the Spanish government, to criticize President Sánchez, it hurts me for everyone. the workers, the entities, the organizations that work day after day, without knowing the schedules” to provide humanitarian aid, the minister said.

He also regretted that Feijóo went to Greece, “a country where arrivals are doubling” and which “exalts Italy’s immigration policy”where “the extreme right reigns.” “Mr. Feijóo has accustomed us to the fact that, every time he leaves our borders, he speaks badly of our country; he does not miss the opportunity to speak badly of the Spanish government,” he lamented.




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