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HomeLatest NewsAndresito, the cocaine “kitchen” in a chalet in Seseña and an anonymous...

Andresito, the cocaine “kitchen” in a chalet in Seseña and an anonymous email

When the National Police confirmed that Andresito could be behind a shady cocaine trafficking operation in a town in Toledo, alarm bells went off. His name had been mentioned in other investigations, but he had not been arrested. Until last Thursday, September 5, in Seseña. In this town of about 25,000 inhabitants in the La Sagra region, Andresito and three alleged accomplices fell thanks to the work of Udyco Central and the anonymous message that triggered this operation.

Two months ago, the information was received at, the email address of the National Police available to citizens, which also has a web form to provide data on possible drug-related crimes.

This message indicated the address of a street in Seseña, the one dedicated to the writer Benito Pérez Galdós, and It was claimed that a person linked to the drug trafficking world lived in a specific cottage and used it as a “kitchen”; that is, a small cocaine counterfeiting center.

The agents who recently intervened in a laboratory in La Puebla de Montalbán, inside a bullring in this municipality of Toledo, confirmed that this probable drug trafficker was a Colombian in his forties known to the security forces. He was a guy with a certain reputation in the Madrid criminal underworld for having “cooked” cocaine.

After marking the house and the person, they found that Andresito was in the house, where There was a movement of individuals coming and going.It could therefore be a point of sale for narcotics.

As the days went by, the police stationed nearby suspected that it could be a small cocaine laboratory. Thanks to the high temperatures in July and August, with the windows open especially in the upper part of the chalet, neighbors and officers perceived certain odors in the street reminiscent of sulfur and ammonia. They came from the same house where at least one of Andresito’s compatriots lived with his son, a minor, and his partner.

The agents learned that the house was connected to another located a kilometer away on foot, on Fermín Martín Carrillo Street, where the individuals leaving the chalet of Benito Pérez Galdós were heading. It was later confirmed that in this second house, near the municipal cemetery, there were marijuana crops. In addition, Its residents got into a car with garbage bags that they distributed in containers in Seseña.Inside, remains of the plantations.

And it was the first days of September, without the miner or his father residing in the chalet on Benito Pérez Galdós Street, where They started packing boxes and leaving with backpacks. This led Udyco Central agents to suspect that a cocaine falsification could be underway. With all the indications, they decided to exploit the operation, they entered both houses at the same time on the 5th and arrested four Colombians, one of them also of Spanish nationality.

In Fermín Martín Carrillo’s house there were more than 600 marijuana plants, distributed throughout all the rooms of the house, in addition to about five kilos of buds ready to be sold. It was, in short, a production and distribution center, where the police also found about 20,000 euros. Two men were arrested.

In Benito Pérez Galdós they also found what they were expecting: a cocaine falsification center, with plates and molds to give a square appearance to the powder obtained to market it. About three kilos of this drug were seized, in addition to cutting substances, and two individuals were chained with a “singing lifestyle”According to the neighbors: one was Andresito and the other, with a history of blood crimes. They also had 14,000 euros in cash, as well as many luxury items, such as caps, glasses and wallets of expensive brands, which were also seized in the other house.

Regarding the father and the child, the agents believe that when they started producing, the man decided to leave the house because of the fumes emanating from the forgery process. For the moment, he has not been arrested in the context of an operation born from an anonymous email.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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