Friday, September 20, 2024 - 6:41 am
HomeBlinken arrives in Qatar: the reason for the visit was announced

Blinken arrives in Qatar: the reason for the visit was announced

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken has arrived in Qatar to facilitate peace negotiations to resolve the conflict in the Gaza Strip.

“Maariv” writes about this.

During the visit, he intends to mediate a dialogue aimed at reaching a ceasefire agreement.

Earlier, Kursor reported that foreign ministers from four European countries called for negotiations.

The foreign ministers of Britain, France, Germany and Italy issued a joint statement expressing their support for the ongoing negotiations aimed at freeing the hostages and establishing a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip. They stressed the importance of the mediation efforts of the United States, Egypt and Qatar, highlighting the important results achieved at the recent summit in Doha.

The European diplomats stressed that they support the conclusion of the negotiations and the release of the hostages and highlighted the pragmatism shown by the participants in the dialogue. The technical details of the agreement, they said, will be worked out in the coming days, with emphasis on humanitarian aspects and issues related to the hostages.

A key meeting of high-level negotiators is scheduled for next week in Cairo, where the parties will try to resolve the remaining differences under the agreement. Ministers called on all parties to remain actively engaged in the process and warned against the risks of escalation, stressing that a deterioration of the situation could jeopardize the prospects for a peaceful resolution.


Staven Smith
Staven Smith
I am a professional article writer, I have 7 years of experience writing stories, news, blogs and more.


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