Sunday, September 22, 2024 - 11:57 am
HomeTop StoriesDifficult face-off between the PP and the Government for health in the...

Difficult face-off between the PP and the Government for health in the event of a pandemic: accusations of "corruption" And "indignity"

THE medical supply contracts during the pandemic gave rise to a new clash between the PP and the Government. This time it was in the Senate, during the executive control session, and the Popular Party Enrique Ruiz Escudero and the Minister of Health Monique Garcia.

Free the Burden of Corruption in Your Ministry and that the contracts be audited,” said the PP spokesman, addressing Mónica García.

“Are you asking me about hiring? You have the dubious honor of having signed the contract that brought money from masks to the brother of the president of the Community of Madrid“Aren’t you ashamed?” the minister replied harshly.

“I understand your hatred and your aggression. You have not forgotten losing elections one after another with Isabel Díaz Ayuso. It must be very hard. He continues to deny the corruption of his Ministry, we will see where it ends“, Escudero said.

Mónica García closed her speech by reproaching Escudero for his responsibility in the management of nursing homes during the pandemic. “Where were you? Signing the “protocols of shame” that led to 7,291 elderly people dying in undignified conditions“, the minister replied forcefully.




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