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HomeBreaking NewsCongress on the verge of recognizing Edmundo as president-elect with PNV votes

Congress on the verge of recognizing Edmundo as president-elect with PNV votes

The Congress of Deputies is in a few hours recognize the opponent Edmundo González Urrutia as the winner presidential elections of July 28 and legitimate president of Venezuela. As expected, this recognition, which has more symbolic than legal effects, will take place this Wednesday with the support of the PNVthat aligned with the PP and announced that he would vote in favor of his non-legislative proposal with Vox, the Canarian Coalition and the UPN. In total, the 177 votes needed for it to be approved.

The first plenary session of the parliamentary course was marked this Tuesday by the debate that the PP brought to the Lower House, through an initiative in which Congress is invited to recognize González Urrutia as the elected president of Venezuela. Very involved with the Venezuelan opposition, his deputy spokesman, Cayetana Alvarez of Toledotook charge of defending the PNL through a decalogue of reasons to obtain the support of the deputies, among which González Urrutia won the elections with 67% of the votes as proven – he said – by the electoral registers collected by the citizens.

Barring any major surprises or human error, the text will be approved this Wednesday thanks to the support of the PNV.

Jeltzale’s spokesman in Congress, Aitor Estebanrevealed early this morning that its five deputies would vote in favor of recognizing Edmundo González as the winner of the last elections in Venezuela.

Esteban thus cleared up the mystery and corroborated it in the afternoon at the speakers’ lectern.”Venezuelans want recognition. Voting does not allow for nuancesand of course, the defeat of this non-legal proposal would morally mean a victory for the Maduro regime, and we cannot allow that. This is a moment when we must choose and the PNV will always be on the side of human rights and democracy,” he explained during the plenary session of the Congress.

For its part, the PSOE has indicated that it will not support the PP’s initiative. Its deputy Cristina Narbona considered that it is necessary to “look for real solutions” and “not generate false expectations” and asked not to deceive Venezuelans, because the recognition of González as president is not “a kind of magic wand that enchants Maduro.”

The socialist parliamentarian recalled that no EU government, not even conservative governments, has so far raised the “opportunity and convenience” of recognising González as president. an argument that does not convince the PPwho recalled that Spain had effectively broken the European consensus by recognising Palestine as a state.

This Tuesday’s plenary session brought together the guest gallery of thehas daughter of Edmundo González Urrutia, Antonio Ledezma and Leopoldo López, two other opposition leaders who are seeking asylum in Spain, a political asylum that González Urrutia has also requested.

Concentration in front of Congress

Several hundred people gathered in front of the Congress of Deputies to proclaim victory for the opposition and its candidate, Edmundo González. Dressed in Venezuelan flags, caps and protest banners, about 600 peopleAccording to police sources, they gathered to claim Gonzalez’s victory.

“It is noticeable, it is felt, president of Edmundo“The participants applauded several times, while shouting for freedom and calling the current Venezuelan president, Nicolás Maduro, as a “dictator” and “murderer.”

The concentration was motivated by Maria Corina Machado and other prominent dissidents, such as Leopoldo Lopez, former deputy Henrique Ortero and Antonio Ledezma.

The organizers of the rally took the opportunity to emphasize that, with the proposal debated in Congress, “Spain has the opportunity to stand alongside the Venezuelan people.”

“Here in Congress, a non-law project is being voted on with the aim of recognizing the triumph of the Venezuelan people,” the organizers added, hoping that on January 10, González will assume the presidency of Venezuela and the head of its armed forces.

On July 28, Venezuela held presidential elections in which authorities said Maduro won with just over 51 percent of the vote, although that is true. The opposition quickly claimed victory.

Tensions are rising in Venezuela, especially in the first days after the elections. From abroad too Pressure has increased on Maduro as the international community insists on the need to review and publish the election results and for the ruling party to demonstrate transparency and proof of its victory.




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