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HomeBreaking NewsJunts and ERC avoid appeals due to 'difficult times'

Junts and ERC avoid appeals due to ‘difficult times’

The fact that the two parties of the Catalan independence hegemony are waiting to hold their congresses is already a sufficient symptom of the moment when the National Day of Catalonia arrives in 2024. They chose not to make calls special this September 11, knowing that these are “difficult times” for separatism.

In fact, sources from both parties admit that this first Diada without occupying the Government since the beginning of process This will take place in a defensive manner. And, in reality, as a simple “procedure” awaiting the Carles Puigdemont and those who end up leading the Republicans will once again figure out how to “mobilize” their own people.

According to pro-independence sources, For the moment “there is no mobilization”, so “it will not be the best Diada” for separatism. Junts and ERC mutually reject responsibility for the breakdown of the pro-independence unity. Both formations claim to have gone to September 11 with “a spirit of “recover the bridges” but blaming themselves for the “loss of confidence”.

In an environment independent so dark, at the Palau del Government, Salvador Illa delivered his first speech as president this Tuesday, calling for a Catalonia that has “the right priorities” to “become exemplary again”. Smiling, the leader of the PSC posed only in front of a Catalan flag, while defending the “plurality” and “diversity” of Catalonia, calling on citizens to “emphasize what unites us”.

Rovira will not be

Consulted by this newspaper, Junt’s sources admit that the party I didn’t want to make this day a particularly vindictive act.and has not called his supporters, or the press, to specific events or speeches by a leader. “It’s a Diada of procedures,” a spokesman said.

To continue, the current leader of Esquerra has decided to absent himself from official events, as this newspaper has been able to confirm from official sources. In fact, Marta Rovira is located outside Spain, with personal obligations related “at the end of his exile” in Switzerland.

We also don’t know anything about Oriol Junquerasthe former party president who is seeking re-election at the November 30 congress. Junqueras’ entourage has admitted that he plans to keep a low profile that day, during which Even the ANC was unable to promote a united mobilisation.

In addition, the president of the Catalan National Assembly, the former singer Lluis Llachhad to correct his words of encouragement for mobilization in just a few hours. At the beginning, Llach gave the Welcome to the celebration of the Diada in Sílvia Orriolsthe head of Catalan Alliancetraining independent far right

In a radio interview, Llach He acknowledged that the members of this formation are “welcome, even if they do not like them”, since the parties are not invited, “but all those who are pro-independence”.

Hours later, after the CUP threatened to boycott the events, Llach received internal criticism for having proved that the weakness of his appealwhich had led him to want fill it with ultras. And he had to fix it.

The ANC has therefore issued a statement accusing the RAC1 network of having “distorted” Llach’s remarks and stressing the “rejection of training” as ACwhich he called a far-right identity and therefore “not welcome.”

Rightly so, the same manifesto published by Junts to encourage Diada recognizes that pro-independence voters are “disoriented” and “disillusioned”.

And this, with a “Spaniard” at the head of the political institutions of the region, who “declared himself in favor of the application of article 155 of the Constitution that put an end to self-government and dismissed the government legitimately elected by the people of Catalonia.”, they They can only aspire to “represent the heirs of 1-O”.

In any case, the two majority parties will want to be visible with one of their leaders in the usual events of the day: the floral offering, the popular meal and the demonstration.

On this occasion, the former president The escaped Puigdemont will not appear on the streets of Barcelona, ​​at least according to the sources consulted. Although they insist that Puigdemont could return to Spanish territory for party congresswhich will be held in Calella (Girona) from October 25 to 27.

But on the ERC side it will be Father Aragonèsas former presidentand some of the visible leaders of the left-wing pro-independence movement, such as Marta Vilalta And Laura Vilagra.




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