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HomeBreaking NewsCarolina González, Edmundo's exiled daughter, defends him as Spain debates recognition

Carolina González, Edmundo’s exiled daughter, defends him as Spain debates recognition

While the Congress of Deputies debated this Tuesday afternoon the recognition as legitimate president of Venezuela of Edmundo GonzalezThe main protagonist of the afternoon in the House was his daughter CarolineThe absence of the opposition leader, who had just arrived in Madrid last Sunday after the Spanish government granted him political asylum, was compensated for by a standing ovation.

Applause broke out in the room at the request of the PP deputy. Cayetana Alvarez of Toledowho wanted to highlight the presence of González’s daughter on the platform during his speech in the House: “Today is here Carolina González, daughter of Edmundo González Urrutia, elected president of Venezuela by inviolable mandate of the ballot boxes. Our support, our affection and our welcome” said Alvarez de Toledo as the applause began.

González received the greetings standing, flanked by another Venezuelan opposition leader, the former mayor of Caracas based in Spain. Antonio Ledezma. After attending the parliamentary session, Ledezma and González crossed the Carrera de San Jerónimo towards the Plaza de las Cortes, where a thousand people were demonstrating in support of Edmundo González, summoned by Maria Corina Machado from Venezuela.

On stage, his daughter read to those present a message from the president-elect in which he wished to “ratify the unwavering commitment“with the Venezuelan people and their voters.” I want to thank all those who voted for me and those who were unable to do so because of the tricks of the National Electoral Council. I call on the international community to redouble its efforts to Restoration of democracy and freedom in Venezuela“, the statement continued.

Through his daughter, González also told those present that “the will of the people expressed on July 28 [fecha de las pasadas elecciones] “It must be respected” and he said they would enforce it. “Maria Corina and I assure you that this fight that we have started will continue until we achieve the goals that we have set for ourselves.”he concluded, amidst shouts of “Edmundo, president!” and the waving of Venezuelan flags.

Finally, González also expressed, through his daughter, his gratitude to the Spanish government for providing him “support and shelter”him and his family.

Head of a transnational corporation

Carolina González, an economist by profession, has kept a low profile since her arrival arrived in Spain 10 years agoin search of greater stability, professional development and opportunities for her family. Since then, she has lived in Madrid, where, according to her entourage consulted by EL ESPAÑOL, she works as a senior executive in a transnational company and is married to a lawyer, also Venezuelan, member of a prestigious firm in the capital. The couple has two children.

However, his father’s presidential candidacy and the election results not recognized by the regime led him to present himself as his main representative in Spain in recent weeksjust like in these first days when the Venezuelan politician defines his strategy and agenda for the coming months.

Carolina has already participated in public events in support of her father in Madrid, where she acted as a spokesperson, as she did on Tuesday afternoon after attending the parliamentary debate.

“In every corner of the world, we have our children, our grandchildren, our family and our friends. Here, we work to bring everyone back and build a great country. I love you, my daughter, and Every day our reunion gets closer“Long live free Venezuela!” Edmundo González said in a post on his Instagram account three weeks ago, in which he shared a video of a speech by his daughter before one of the support rallies that have taken place in the capital since the elections.

The vote for Congress to recognize González as the legitimate president of Venezuela takes place this Wednesday. The motion promoted by the PP is expected to go ahead with the support of the PNV, which announced on Tuesday He has already put forward his affirmative vote.“Venezuela is not a country for nuances and the EAJ-PNV will face repression, dictatorship and Maduro,” said the spokesman for the Basque Group in Congress, Aitor Esteban.




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