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HomeLatest NewsCórdoba City Council announces that it will reduce the IBI by one...

Córdoba City Council announces that it will reduce the IBI by one percent in 2025

THE Treasury Advisor of the City Council of CordobaBlanca Torrent, appeared this Tuesday to report “three new features» in the processing of tax orders (taxes and fees) from 2025which will extend the unprecedented path of reduction of municipal tax pressure started in 2020 by the PP after its return to the City Hall in the summer of 2019.

The main thing, he explained, is the “reduction” of the IBI in one percent“according to the proposals made to us by the Council of the Citizen Movement.” The mayor, the popular José María Bellido, had already left the door open to this reduction at the beginning of August to compensate for the 10% increase in Sadeco’s bill.

The IBI is the main source of tax revenue for the municipality. It is enough to recall that, according to the Consistory’s 2023 budget decree, last year He physically received 67 million of this tax.

THE second modification in the 2025 tax ordinance file will focus on facilitate the payment of the AFO (assimilated outside of planning), an urban planning figure that allows housing in subdivisions to facilitate access to basic services (water, electricity or sanitation) – this is not a legalization. Torrent indicated that there will be “a settlement of its fees that will be progressive, starting with 25% at the beginning and at the end of all procedures of the total payment, but there will be a distribution of it.”

He AFOTorrent explained, “Individuals” pay for itwho need to contact a lawyer or an economist for all the necessary studies that they must submit to the Urban Planning Department. “What we are looking for is to make the payment of the fee less expensive at the beginning” for those who have failed in their duties. “It is a progressive nature of the subscription to make it easier for them to obtain it,” he assured.

The City Hall will facilitate the payment of the AFO, a tool to facilitate the obtaining of basic services on the plots, with a subdivision

The list of news that work is underway to be included in the 2025 Tariffs and Taxes Project “the possibility for citizens who partially process their documentation through the College of Architects, based on the agreement signed by the Urban Planning Department with this professional body, to benefit from a rate reduction of up to thirty percent.”

The reduction in revenue due to the planned tax and duty cuts, with the three changes introduced, goes from 733,568 euros “to 1.48 million”. It is not in vain that it must be taken into account that one of the reductions that will be introduced concerns the IBI, which, as has been indicated, is a fundamental source of food for municipal coffers.

Sixth consecutive year of decline

The municipal government calendar marks the month of October like the moment when “The tax ordinances have already been approved by the Local Government Council with all THE information mandatory. And then the leadership team of the Capitulares, which has the absolute majority, will take it to the plenary, so that the municipal taxes and fees come into force on January 1, 2025.

Torrent pointed out that This will be the sixth consecutive year of reduction of municipal taxessomething unprecedented in the Consistory. These cuts were driven in the last two terms by Bellido. The reduction in budgetary pressure in 2025, assured the Treasury advisor, will follow “the same spirit as the previous five”. “We are facing a Córdoba that grows with a lower tax pressure for all citizens, who benefit from quality public services. With these tax measures, job creation is favored, we support our entrepreneurs and self-employed workers and we are a more attractive city for investments and businesses,” assured Torrent.

In Julywhen this the file has started to be processed As a preliminary project, the local government announced as a project target a linear decrease of 2% for next year the Tax on Mechanically Traction Vehicles (the seal of automobiles and motorcycles), the Tax on Construction, Installations and Works (ICIO) and the Tax on Economic Activities (IAE). Activity permits and planning permissions will also decrease.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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