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The worst news of the day is confirmed

On November 1st, there will be a change regarding unemployment and other unemployment benefits. On that day, the new package of measures approved by the government last May will come into force, which will end some subsidies that many people currently receive and will be replaced by other payments. All with the aim of further simplifying this aid.

This development in unemployment and the various subsidies comes after May 21, the Council of Ministerson the proposal of the Ministry of Labor and Social Economy led by Yolanda Díaz, approved Royal Decree-Law 2/2024 which, according to them, “workers who benefit from the new unemployment assistance level model will have simpler access, will have better protection and will be able to make unemployment benefits and allowances compatible with professional activity.

Thus, from this November 1st and after the publication of the Official State GazetteThere will be a small revolution regarding subsidies as they were called until now. One of the great novelties of this package of measures is that unemployment can be made compatible with a job, there will be no reduction in the amount of subsidies received and the benefits will be a little higher for the first six months, going from 480 euros which It is now billed to the 570, 95% of the IPREM.

A married couple looking at some documents.

Unemployment trends and disappearing subsidies

As of November 1, many of the subsidies that have benefited hundreds of thousands of Spaniards in recent years will disappear. This does not mean that no one will stay if they help, but rather that they simply stop appearing as such and are integrated into another type of benefit. The most important one that will disappear will be the Active reintegration incomewhich benefited people who had exhausted their unemployment benefits. The subsidies which are disappearing are as follows:

  • Active reintegration income.
  • Grant for people over 45 without family responsibilities.
  • Extraordinary unemployment benefit.
  • Grant for people released from prison.
  • Grant for permanent disability review.

Grant Changes

From now on, all these disappearing subsidies will be integrated into the Grant for exhaustion of contributory benefitwhich will be the aid that people who have exhausted their unemployment benefits will be able to receive. In addition to the subsidy, subsidies for insufficient contributions or those intended for returning emigrants will also remain in force.

This new package of measures also opens a bracket for those under 45 who will be able to receive an allowance for six months after having used up 360 days of unemployment. People older than this age with family responsibilities are also included in this group if they have used up 120 days. Those with family responsibilities can apply for a subsidy of up to 24 months if 120 days of unemployment have been used up.

A person enters an employment agency. (EP)

This new package of measures also comes with changes to the money that beneficiaries will receive. To date, many of these aids are 480 euroswhich corresponds to 80% of the IPREM. From November 1st, these subsidies will be divided into three tranches: in the first months, 570 euros will be collected, which corresponds to 95% of IPREMThe following semester they will receive 540 (90%) and from the first year they will start paying what the beneficiaries of these benefits receive today.

This will be another of the great novelties of this package of measures with which the Government wants to keep people away from situations of vulnerability or social exclusion, after the publication of the latest classification which places Spain as the third country in Europe with the highest number of people living close to poverty, just behind countries such as Bulgaria and Romania.

“The beneficiaries, in a situation of long-term unemployment, are integrated as a priority in programs and actions that allow their reintegration into the labor market with guaranteed access to the services of the Common Portfolio of Services of the National Employment System,” he indicated. At his time, the Government.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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