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HomeLatest NewsManuel Román: command, moderate... and stop

Manuel Román: command, moderate… and stop

It must not be easy to want to become a bullfighter today, in your early twenties. So much for the limitations and demands of the bullfighting world. As for the current society that exists outside for a child of that age. At this crossroads, Manuel Román, the bullfighter with the child’s face who had brought the bullfighting fans of Córdoba out of lethargy and apathy with his manners, declared yesterday on social networks that he was leaving bullfighting, defeated by “circumstances” and “morality”. The rush to become a bullfighter that Córdoba demanded so much. The harshness of the fierce competition at a time when bullfighting is rebounding in the money ranks. The expectations. High costs and additional costs. The loneliness. The inner struggle. Just when in his first season of bullfighting he was among the best and a notable closing was expected … A few days ago, it was Morante de la Puebla himself who put aside the tasks in a later that did not have a long queue in the calendar, finally. And years ago, José Tomás, at the absolute top and become a mass icon, took Villadiego to take refuge in the countryside and make sporadic appearances that do not even happen today. And like them, other more or less brilliant names that have been diluted by similar factors. The command and the mood, commands of bullfighting, are consumed by knowing how to stop several times. To stop in the face of the adversity of a fight, in the face of the pressure of the environment in full effervescence of triumph and in an exercise of absolute honesty, what this boy from Santa Marina did, probably, after chewing that happened in the last appointments in a very painful decision for whom, since he took a crutch in his first communion, he already wanted to be a bullfighter. This is what he told his teachers and that is how he somatized him in a trance for which it is not easy to prepare. And that is how the Fifth Caliph consecrated him on a cover of ABC in which he offered him a symbolic alternative to greater heights. The news was a total setback for the illusions awakened in Córdoba. A test of reflection for everyone. And of course, the wish that one day the illusion would return to Manuel. Quiet.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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