Sunday, September 22, 2024 - 3:43 pm
HomeLatest News"What is good for Catalonia is good for the rest of Spain"

“What is good for Catalonia is good for the rest of Spain”

The President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, defended this Wednesday the financing agreement for Catalonia signed with ERC, ensuring that what is good for this community is also good for the rest of Spain.

He also warns that “the dialectic according to which they are communicating vessels”, that is to say “if it is good for one, it is bad for the others”, has led to situation of the year 2017, when the separatist process took place in Catalonia. “I don’t want to repeat that path,” he said.

He therefore asked “not to cultivate territorial conflicts” between autonomous communities, which, according to him, would lead to a crisis of coexistence like that of 2017. “a very unfortunate year in terms of politics and coexistence” which happened “for multiple reasons.” “I’m not going to point the finger at anyone,” he added.

In any case, ask learning from the process not to return to this situation and defends that this is the path that the Government is following with “difficult measures” such as the pardon of convicted independence leaders or the amnesty law, but with “obvious results.”

“How does this translate to the rest of Spain? Well, I firmly believe that what is good for Catalonia is good for the country as a whole. This dialectic that they are communicating vessels, if it is good for one it is bad for the rest, I think that has brought us to 2017 and I I don’t want to repeat this path.“, Sanchez said at a press conference from China, where he is on an official trip.

In this sense, he stressed that Catalonia represents almost 20% of the national GDP and “this can be an additional engine” to contribute to economic growth.

Furthermore, he celebrated the fact that there is a socialist, Salvador Illa, at the head of the Generalitat, who “is committed to coexistence among Catalans and the integration of Catalonia into the common project that we call Spain.” In his opinion, this is “one of the systemic changes made by the government” and this, he said, will be seen over time.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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