Saturday, September 21, 2024 - 4:29 pm
HomeHarris-Trump debate: CNN poll shows who viewers think is the winner

Harris-Trump debate: CNN poll shows who viewers think is the winner

Following the heated debate between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump, political figures and the public began to express their opinions.

Registered voters who watched the debate overwhelmingly thought Harris won, with 63% in favor of her to 37% in favor of the Republican candidate, according to a CNN poll.

Meanwhile, Republican candidate Donald Trump said: “I think this was my best debate, especially because it was a one-on-three debate.” By which he means he was up against not only Harris, but also the two hosts.

Former First Lady Michelle Obama commented: “There should be no doubt and no room for debate: Kamala Harris is the only candidate in this race ready to become president. I encourage everyone to roll up their sleeves and do something: call, knock on doors, talk to everyone you know and encourage them to vote for Harris and her candidate Tim Walz. No one can sit back, the stakes are too high.”

Cursor previously wrote that American singer Taylor Swift also announced her support for Harris in the US presidential race. “I will be voting for Kamala Harris and Tim Walz in the 2024 election,” she wrote on Instagram, adding: “She fights for rights and causes that I believe need a strong advocate.”


Staven Smith
Staven Smith
I am a professional article writer, I have 7 years of experience writing stories, news, blogs and more.


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