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HomeLatest Newsdemonstration, floral offering, reactions and last minute of the celebration today, live

demonstration, floral offering, reactions and last minute of the celebration today, live

Catalonia celebrates its traditional Diada festival this Monday and, as has been the custom in recent years, it is marked by political news and the confrontation with the independentists.


Girona City Hall hangs large pro-independence flag

To celebrate the Diada, the Girona City Council, whose mayor is from the CUP, hung a large independence flag from the balcony this Tuesday. A situation that the PP has denounced and which is part of the Popular Party’s argument to reduce its participation in Diada.


PP and Vox do not participate in the floral offer in Barcelona

Let us recall that neither PP nor Vox participate in the floral offering at the Rafael Casanova monument (in Barcelona). The PP celebrates the Diada in a low voice and Vox rejects this date as a holiday for all Catalans. Previously, Cs had also rejected September 11, because, according to him, the nationalists made partisan use of this date and claimed April 23, Book Day and San Jordi’s Day, as a holiday that unites all Catalans.

Inform Daniel Third.


Catalan historians recall that what happened in 1714 was not a battle between Catalonia and Spain.

The association of historians critical of the nationalist vision projected by the Catalan tradition recalled that what happened in 1714 was not a battle between Catalonia and Spain but a war of succession for the Spanish throne.


Collboni says Catalonia is experiencing a new situation of “normality”

Jaume Collboni (PSC), Mayor of Barcelona, ​​stressed that Catalonia is experiencing a new situation of “normality” and that the capital of the community will be “the spearhead” of the “new stage” that is beginning in the region, thus referring, but without naming it, to the new government of Salvador Illa.

Inform Daniel Thirdfrom Barcelona.


Images of the floral offering

The government, led by Salvador Illa, and the members of the Parliamentary Council, with its president, Josep Rull.

photographs of Ines Baucells.


Parliament President Josep Rull claims right to decide in Catalonia and recalls Puigdemont

Josep Rull (Junts) recalled, in his statements to journalists after the regional offering at the Rafael Casanova monument, that there are still “exiles”, such as Carles Puigdemont, and that they are treated unfairly by the Supreme Court. Rull also affirmed that Catalonia, as a “nation”, has the right to self-determination and recalled those who died in 1714, on September 11, the date chosen as a regional holiday.

Inform Daniel Thirdfrom Barcelona.


Barcelona City Hall Tour, led by Collboni

Jaume Collboni and the rest of the Barcelona City Council continue the floral offering. The municipal orchestra, led by Ximo Tarín, once again performs the anthem Els Segadors.


Beginning of the floral offering at the monument of Rafael Casanova

Salvador Illa, along with the rest of his government, makes the floral offering at the monument to Rafael Casanova while the anthem Els Segadors is played.


The President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, congratulates the Diada


The separatists are counting on a decentralized “large mobilization”

The ANC, Omnium Cultural, AMI and CDR have focused the “great mobilization” for independence on returning to the streets to demonstrate that independence is “the only future project for a more politically and socially just country.” “Either we are all there or we will not get there,” say the organizers. To achieve this goal, they have chosen to decentralize it and this will not only be done in Barcelona, ​​but also in Tarragona, Lleida, Tortosa and Girona and each of them will denounce the “grievances” they suffer “because of belonging to the State.”


Climate of independence division

The traditional Diada is celebrated this Wednesday at a time when the independence movement is divided, since the relationship between ERC and Junts is not going through its best moment. Separatism no longer has a majority in Parliament after losing it in the elections last May.


Message from Illa on the occasion of Diada

The first institutional message of Salvador Illa (PSC) as president of the Generalitat of Catalonia on the occasion of the Diada, an autonomous festival celebrated on September 11, has moved away from the speeches of his predecessors, especially Pere Aragonès (ERC), Quim Torra (Junts) and Carles Puigdemont (CiU), who filled them with historicist references, secessionist and even warlike demands. The leader of the Catalan socialists, who has just completed a month as president of the Generalitat, has appealed to “diversity” as one of the “strengths” of Catalonia, but he has done so only in Catalan.

Information from Daniel Third.


Catalonia celebrates the first Diada with Illa in the Government

The President of the Generalitat, Salvador Illa, assured that the Diada is “a great invitation to live together and share” and defended that Catalonia is a collective project that unites everyone without distinctions.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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