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HomeLatest NewsAEMET warns of lower temperatures in most of Spain for this Wednesday

AEMET warns of lower temperatures in most of Spain for this Wednesday

This Wednesday, the Dana will continue to affect the Mediterranean area, with probable showers in the northeast of Catalonia, the east of the Balearic Islands and sometimes stormy weather in the south of the Valencian Community, Murcia and the southeast of Andalusia, according to the forecasts of the State Meteorological Agency (Aemet).

In addition, an Atlantic front will leave overcast skies in the north of the peninsula with precipitation in Galicia, the Cantabrian Sea and the Pyrenees, while in the rest of the peninsula, clearer skies will predominate and, in the Canary Islands, clouds with possible light rain.

Temperatures will drop in most of Spain, especially in the mountainous areas of the Canary Islands, as well as in northern Huesca and Catalonia, while they will rise slightly in the Cantabrian area and in the southwest of the peninsula.

Predominance of northerly winds in most of the peninsula, although they will come from the west and with strong intervals in the Cantabrian Sea, strong gales in the lower Ebro, northerly winds in the Ampurdán and trade winds with strong and very strong gusts in the Canary Islands.

Prediction by autonomous communities

– GALICIA: fog and mist in the high areas of Lugo in the early morning and in Orense in the last hours, in a day that will have a partially cloudy sky that will leave light rain in the northern third.

Minimum temperatures with little change and decreasing while maximum temperatures decrease in the southeast and increase in the north. Light to moderate north wind.

– ASTURIAS: Scattered morning fogs and mists in high areas will give way to intervals of low clouds that will increase until covering the sky and leaving some showers that will increase on the coast.

Minimum temperatures will drop except on the coast while maximum temperatures will increase except in the southern third, where they will drop slightly. Westerly wind, moderate on the coast and on the peaks of the sierra and weak in the rest.

– CANTABRIA: fogs at first and last hour at high altitude and day with overcast skies and light evening rains. Minimum temperatures will drop slightly, especially in Liébana, and maximum temperatures will only increase in the northwest.

Moderate westerly wind with strong intervals on the coast and light northerly and northwesterly winds elsewhere.

– BASQUE COUNTRY: cloudy skies with light rain in the morning on the coast and west of Gipuzkoa which will increase to moderate in the afternoon throughout the north and will be light and unlikely in the south of Alava.

Thermometers will not register major changes, although there will be a downward trend. West and northwest wind, generally weak, inland and moderate with strong intervals on the coast.

– CASTILLA Y LEÓN: Cloudy intervals with some possible light precipitation in the mountainous areas of the northern third, where there will also be morning fog, and clearer skies in the rest.

Falling temperatures. Winds from the north and northeast, generally light with some strong gusts from the northwest and southwest.

– NAVARRA: fog and mist in the Pyrenees and western mountains and overcast skies with light to moderate rain that will be locally persistent on the Cantabrian slope and with large clearings in the Ribera Baja.

Minimum temperatures unchanged and maximum temperatures, slightly decreasing except in the northwest quadrant where they remain unchanged. Light to moderate north and northwest winds.

– LA RIOJA: cloudy periods with probable light showers, mainly in the Iberian Peninsula, and fog banks in the mountainous areas. Temperatures unchanged or slightly lower and winds from the north and northwest, with strong gusts in the Rioja Baja.

– ARAGON: cloudy in the Pyrenees and clearer in the rest, with intervals of high clouds in the second part of the day and light rain in the Pyrenees division.

Minimum temperatures are falling, especially in the Iberian system, and maximum temperatures are also falling, more markedly in the Pyrenees. Moderate northwest wind in the Ebro depression, sometimes strong, and weak north and west components in the rest.

– CATALONIA: cloudy in the eastern half and clearer in the rest, although in the afternoon cloudy intervals are expected, especially in the Pyrenees area, with probable occasional showers that could be locally heavy in some parts of the northern or central coast.

Minimum temperatures down in the southern half and unchanged in the rest and maximum temperatures down slightly in the southern third. Occasionally strong moderate north wind in Ampurdán, moderate northwest wind in the southern half of Tarragona and light variable wind in the rest.

– EXTREMADURA: intervals of high cloudiness and evolving cloudiness. Minimum temperatures unchanged or slightly increasing and maximum temperatures decreasing in the north, with little change in the rest.

Northerly winds, generally light, with some strong gusts to the north.

– MADRID COMMUNITY: Slightly cloudy skies in the early morning although cloud intervals will gradually increase. Temperatures slightly lower in the mountains and little change in the rest. Light north wind accompanied by some strong gusts in the afternoon to the west of the Sierra.

– CASTILLA-LA MANCHA: intervals of low cloudiness in the southeast, without excluding scattered morning mists and fog banks, which will give way to high clouds throughout the region.

Minimum temperatures slightly rising in La Mancha and the Tagus Valley and maximum temperatures slightly falling in Guadalajara and the southeast. Light winds mainly from the north in the western provinces and from the northwest in the eastern ones, light variable winds in the southeast.

– VALENCIAN COMMUNITY: cloudy skies in the southern half and clearer in the rest, even with some intervals in the second half of the day and even light and scattered rains in the afternoon, especially on the coast and pre-coastal of Valencia at the end of the day. hours, where they could be locally strong.

Minimum temperatures slightly increasing in the interior of Valencia and unchanged in the rest and maximum temperatures slightly decreasing. Light variable wind, with a predominance of eastern and southern components in the second part of the day, with moderate intervals on the central coast.

– REGION OF MURCIA: cloudy skies with low clouds and morning mists, which will tend to be slightly cloudy with intervals of medium clouds. Minimum temperatures increase in the northern third of the Region, with no change in the rest, and maximum temperatures decrease slightly, except in Campo de Cartagena. Light winds in breeze regime.

– BALEARIC ISLANDS: cloudy periods with occasional and isolated showers in Menorca and the east of Mallorca. The thermometers will not register major changes, even if there is a downward trend. Wind generally light and variable with a predominance of the north component and with coastal breezes in the afternoon.

– ANDALUSIA: intervals of medium and high clouds, without excluding occasional showers accompanied by thunderstorms on the Mediterranean side.

Minimum temperatures increase slightly in the western half of the community, with little change in the rest, and maximum temperatures increase in the western half of Sierra Morena, decreasing slightly or without change in the rest.

Light to moderate winds with a westerly component on the Atlantic side and on the western coast of the Mediterranean and light breezes on the rest.

– CANARY ISLANDS: in the north of the mountainous islands, predominantly cloudy skies with some probability of light and occasional rain in the central lands at late hours and cloudy passages in Lanzarote and Fuerteventura.

Temperatures unchanged or slightly lower on the coasts and moderately lower in the middle and high areas; The moderate trade wind will blow with strong or locally very strong gusts on the south-eastern and north-western slopes, while in the high areas of Tenerife the wind will be strong from the north-west, with locally very strong gusts.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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