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Zaragoza signs 30,000 euro agreement with pro-life entity and PSOE rages: “It’s unacceptable”

Zaragoza is reaffirmed as pro-life city with the latest agreement signed with Mother networkdespite the rejection of the Woke left which is trying to revoke it, as announced the PSOE This Wednesday, taking out of context the statements of the president of the entity of Zaragoza, Rosa Marquinawhich they described as “xenophobic” and “anti-abortion”, in which he specifically warned against the risk of socially excluded children falling into delinquency.

In the same vein as the municipal group, the Government’s sub-delegate also spoke, Natalia Herrero Arenaswho published this Tuesday on the social networkis unacceptable” the agreement said, noting that Mayor Natalia Chueca had “paid for a powerful speaker to promote anti-abortion ideas and messages of hate.”

Zaragoza pro-life: motherhood

The government team of Natalia Chuecain harmony and collaboration with Vox, have been working in a coordinated manner on birth and motherhood since the beginning of the legislature, when Zaragoza was proclaimed city ​​for life,on the proposal of those of Abascal.

“From the beginning of the legislature, we have clearly indicated that the promotion of motherhood and support for families “They were going to be one of the pillars of the area,” said Social Policy Minister Marián Orós on Tuesday when the agreement was announced, arguing that “families had to play a fundamental role because in the past what was “The family was an element that was not taken care of compared to other companies.”

“We are reclaiming that women who want to become mothers or who become pregnant freely and wish to continue their pregnancy can have a support network” added who stressed that in the case of Red Madre, the entity also collaborates with others, such as Caritas either Red Cross.

The keys to the new agreement

What is this agreement that has so irritated the Spanish government, including the socialist group in the City Hall? The new stage that PP and Vox have achieved together in terms of birth rate Its aim is to help, support and advise all women who encounter difficulties due to their pregnancy or recent motherhood.

The agreement is provided by an amount of 30,000 eurosan endowment that allows it to finance part of its services and activities in the city of Zaragoza.

It should be remembered that Red Madre collaborates with other Spanish cities, such as Ourense, donating through the project NAIS 2024co-financed by the Secretariat for Equality of the Xunta de Galicia and European Funds, this year accompanied 56 mothers with their children.

Red Madre: Support for immigrant mothers

As explained by the president of the Zaragoza entity, Rosa Marquina, The majority of mothers who help the entity are immigrants who become pregnant: “Today, those who save the most births are not Spanish mothers, they are mothers who arrive in Spain. Almost all of them arrive pregnant, looking for a better future. “They are usually single mothers, who have had to leave their country for various reasons.”

“We are trying to integrate into Spanish culturewithout abandoning the culture of their country. It is something very difficult because they arrive with a completely different way of life,” he added.

In this regard, the president of the association sent a warning message that inflamed the left, which she put in the target: “I would tell them to think a lot about the babies born in Spain, because we are not helping them to have a better future, what we will have is an increase in the fifty-somethings, gang members and those who create their ghettos within their nationality, and these are children who get lost. It will be an increase in crime for this country. “We need to integrate them, and we obviously need to start with the mothers.”

PSOE tries to withdraw the agreement

These statements that have caused the PSOE spokesman to explode, Lola Ranerawho called them on his social network X “xenophobic and racist”, insisting that the PP “is guilty” of having financed “an anti-abortion association with public money”. However, Ranera failed to say this after the president of said entity clearly defended that these children “they are a treasure»: «We learn to take care of this baby who is a treasure, we do not realize that they are treasures of life, treasures of the future.»

Despite this, this Wednesday, the socialist municipal group announced that it would present a motion of disapproval to the popular councilor of social policies, for “not having intervened at the press conference to reproach her for her remarks.” In addition, they also advanced that they value the withdrawal of the said agreement as well as the futures that “their execution protects against possible anti-abortion and xenophobic prejudices.”

More than 300,000 women served

Since its creation, the Red Madre entity has helped more than 300,000 women supported throughout Spainsince its creation in 2007, which means that out of 10 women served, an average of eight decided to continue their pregnancy.

Precisely, the objective for which it was created was “to help the vulnerable woman whose mother did not want her at that time, but who decides to continue your upcoming pregnancy. The mother is taken care of and the baby is at most two years old. “These are mothers who decide to continue their motherhood, despite the difficulties and problems,” said the Zaragoza official.

Birth promotion

The Minister of Social Policies, Marián Orós, stressed that “promoting the birth rate must be a goal strategic policy “no longer a city, but a country, just as migration policy should be.”

“Just as we believe that abortion has been a legal right since the 1980s, we believe that a woman who freely wants to continue her pregnancy with her family and who does not have a family network and who finds herself in very complicated situations, because she comes from other countries, we must continue to work and strengthen strengthen this network” he stressed.

In this sense, it is worth recalling the new program launched last September, called Come ononce again the result of the collaboration of PP and Vox, and which is a socio-educational support service for vulnerable motherhood, in the same line as the work carried out by Red Madre.

Abortion: a scourge against birth

In this sense, the advisor of Vox and promoter of the signed agreement, Eva Torresprovided some data on abortion, where the 91.23% of those performed were at the request of the woman. In this regard, Torres asked herself “how many of these women, some of them very young, would have bet on the lives of their children if they had had enough information and support?” At the same time, she countered the “low birth rate” of Spain, which is at the top of the world rankings, by placing itself at a rank 6.70 per thousand in 2023.

“From the point of view of a caring and sensitive society, it cannot be indifferent to the pain of others or to the helplessness of the most vulnerable. Nothing can be more dignified and more progressive than to defend the life of the most defenselessthe weakest, the most powerless. “What kind of society are we creating if we are not able to defend the weakest?” he argued.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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