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HomeBreaking NewsConfiscated property was returned to the school principal

Confiscated property was returned to the school principal

The confiscated property was returned to Amrah Safarov, the director of the special correspondence school No. 2 operating on the territory of penal institution No.

According to information obtained by Qafqazinfo, the decision was made by the jury of the Baku Military Court, headed by Javid Huseyn.

For your information, we inform you that A. Safarov, who worked as a director at the above-mentioned school, is accused of embezzling 63 thousand manats of state funds.

The 67-year-old defendant admitted to the court that he had been suffering from cancer for many years. That is why he worked in the penitentiary to earn 20 percent more salary. He spent all his criminal earnings on his treatment.

The diagnosis of the doctor admitted to the Baku Court of Serious Crimes indicated that the accused was in the last stage of his illness. Taking this into account, the judges did not send him to prison (Verdict: suspended sentence). However, the accused Safarov’s apartment worth 68,000 manats and his car “Mercedes” worth 12,000 manats were confiscated as compensation for the damage caused to the Baku City Education Department.

Dissatisfied with the part of the verdict on confiscation of property, the defendant filed an appeal. The defendant Safarov asked for the return of his property. The higher court found the appeal justified. According to the decision, A. Safarov’s apartment and car were exempt from confiscation.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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