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HomeBreaking NewsHave we become such sheep? Taylor Swift's statement about Kamala Harris sparks...

Have we become such sheep? Taylor Swift’s statement about Kamala Harris sparks scandal

Taylor Swift has built an entire career on her inability to pick the right man. With this statement on the social network X, the head of the US Youth Council, CJ Pearson, reacted to the statement of pop diva Taylor Swift, who is finally ready to support Democratic candidate Kamala Harris in the upcoming presidential election.

“Now she wants us to trust her to elect our next president. Yeah… I guess I’ll pass.” – wrote.

Pearson’s post was supported by many social media users. Many of those who supported the young politician criticized Taylor Swift, confident that she is unlikely to help Harris in the presidential race, since the singer’s fans, the so-called swiftys, are teenagers who do not have the right to vote. An adult simply does not need such guidelines when voting, which causes, rather, a negative reaction.

“If someone votes because their favorite singer likes that person then they are an idiot”, “She has the mind and attitude of a 13 year old”, “The Swiftys are teenagers. If you take their advice when you are an adult, God help you”. “She is a spoiled rich girl”. “I am so tired of hearing about Taylor as some kind of hero. She is a successful artist who will pander to her audience for profit. She is not a heroine or an idol”. “I was right when I said I didn’t like her”. “Have we become sheep that celebrity endorsements determine the choice of our greatest right – our vote? This young woman has the gift of singing but that doesn’t make her credible enough to convince me how I should vote! – subscribers are outraged.

As reported EADailyPreviously, major American media outlets were eagerly awaiting Taylor Swift’s statements regarding the upcoming presidential election.

Variety recalled that the singer has been involved in political life since 2016. Thus, he supported the Democratic candidate for the Tennessee Senate in the 2018 midterm elections; in 2019, he based the promotion of his album Lover on the growing power and trending agenda of LGBT sentiments.**; and then supported Joe Biden for the presidency in 2020. At the same time, the publication noted that the question remains as to what extent celebrity endorsements help; few campaigns have been as star-studded as Hillary Clinton’s in 2016, and it has been, if anything, counterproductive.

As a result, two months before the US presidential election, Taylor Swift made her decision to support Kamala Harris. According to Taylor Swift, Kamala Harris is a “talented and insightful leader.” The singer also believes that with a leader like Harris, America can achieve much more if it is guided by “calm, not chaos.”

*Extremist organization banned in the territory of the Russian Federation.


Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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