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HomeSouth Africa's lawsuit against Israel: media reported new details

South Africa’s lawsuit against Israel: media reported new details

The Republic of South Africa (RSA) is preparing to file a new lawsuit before a UN court, accusing Israel of committing “genocide” against Palestinian Arabs.

This is reported by the Bloomberg news agency.

Next month, South African authorities will submit to the International Court of Justice a document containing “facts and evidence” relating to Israel’s accusations of genocide against Palestinians, according to a statement by the country’s president. The International Court of Justice is known to have ordered Israel to prevent actions that could be considered “genocide” of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.

Israel denies all allegations and maintains that it complies with international standards.

As previously reported, the Israeli Foreign Ministry, under the leadership of Israel Katz, is developing a diplomatic strategy to pressure the Republic of South Africa to persuade it to drop its case against Israel before the International Court of Justice in The Hague.

Previously, Cursor wrote that the president of the Muslim Judicial Council of South Africa (MJC), Sheikh Riad Fathar, made an open statement of support against the terrorist group Hamas, which sparked a wide public outcry. He also made several anti-Semitic comments in his speech in Cape Town.

In addition, Cursor has already reported that the Cuban Ministry of Foreign Affairs has announced that the country is entering into the legal proceedings that South Africa initiated against Israel before the International Court of Justice. In an official statement, Cuban diplomats indicated that they intend to present their arguments regarding the norms of international conventions, which, in their opinion, Israel is violating in the “illegally occupied Gaza Strip.”


Staven Smith
Staven Smith
I am a professional article writer, I have 7 years of experience writing stories, news, blogs and more.


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