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HomeLatest News600 additional classrooms, 6,800 additional teachers and 43% additional investment

600 additional classrooms, 6,800 additional teachers and 43% additional investment

He PSOE took advantage of the start of the school year to broadcast a series of hoaxes And lies about the Andalusian public education which is dismantled simply and clearly with realities and data. The latest manipulation launched by the socialists through social networks is that Juanma Moreno He has eliminated 2,500 classrooms since coming to power and spending on concerted education has increased by 22%. However, the reality is happening because the Andalusian government He eliminated classrooms without students to reinforce places where students did not belong. Therefore, Andalusia now has 600 more classrooms that when he was leading PSOE five years ago. On the other hand, yes, concerted education now represents 22% of additional expenditure, but the fact is that public has neither more nor less than 43% more investment than in 2018last year of socialism in Andalusia.

And despite the socialist hoaxes, the Andalusian public education has the largest investment in the history of Junta of Andalusiawith an increase of 2.5 billion over the past five years, 43% more than in 2018until reaching the 8.9 billion euros. In addition, Andalusian public education benefits from the the largest public teaching staffwith about 107,000 teachers and professors, 6,800 more teachers than in 2018, last year of socialism.

THE investment per student In Andalusia increased in public schools in 1,500 euros from 2018 (42%), up to 5,752 eurosAnd increased by 28% for students of Educational needsup to 7,290 euros per student.

But there is more. Since 2019, there are more than 47,000 THE new public places created in the Vocational training public, which made it possible to reduce by 16 points the rate of students left without a place before 2019; public teaching staff FP grew up in more than 3,000 since 2018The reality: in 2018, only 65% ​​of students obtained a place in public vocational training, compared to 81% last year.

He budget because the attention paid to special educational needs is that which has developed the most within the Department of Educational Development and FP67%, up to 586 million, with more than 13,000 professionals in this sector, with a growth of specialized personnel between 22 and 55%.

We continue with the investment executed In infrastructure educational, which over the period 2019-23 amounts to 480.5 million in Andalusia, 45% more compared to the period 2014-2018. As for the public classroomsAlthough the PSOE claims that Moreno is eliminating them, the reality is that the system has almost 600 more than in 2018, thanks in part to the growth of special education and vocational training.

Thanks to this firm commitment of the government of Juanma Moreno in favor of public education, Andalusia reduced the early school dropout By 5.1 points since 2018, the graduation rate of young people aged 20 to 24 has increased by almost 9 points more over the last five years, up to 76%, just three points behind the national average; and among young people aged 16 to 24, it is 87.5%, five points more than in 2018 and only two points more than the national average.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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