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HomeTrump vs. Harris: Post-debate reaction divides politicians

Trump vs. Harris: Post-debate reaction divides politicians

Reactions to the debate between US presidential candidates Donald Trump and Kamala Harris were mixed. Conservatives are mostly disappointed with the results, while Democrats are satisfied with their candidate’s performance.

Opinions diverged in conservative circles. Former Mike Pence chief of staff Marc Short said Trump failed to take advantage of important opportunities to pressure Harris on key issues such as the economy and border security. Political commentator Erick Erickson said Trump lost the debate because he failed to focus on critical issues. Conservative host and commentator Hugh Hewitt accused the media of being biased in favor of Harris, but also acknowledged that Trump allowed her to avoid important issues.

Democrats, on the other hand, praised Harris’ performance for her poise and presidential demeanor. Political strategist and former MSNBC host Karen Finney noted that Harris remained calm throughout the debate, which made Trump nervous. Journalist Chris Cillizza highlighted her measured responses and ability to avoid Trump’s attacks.

Neutral commentators believed the debate was unlikely to have a significant impact on ratings, but noted that Harris had demonstrated a willingness to take on challenging debates and had solidified her position as a strong and competent leader.

Martha Johnson, a professor at Northwestern University, said Harris was trying to demonstrate maturity and authority, which she succeeded in doing. Political analyst Chris Borick added that while the debate was dramatic, its long-term impact on the election will be limited.

Earlier, Cursor reported that Elon Musk reacted strangely to Taylor Swift’s statement about her support for Kamala Harris.


Staven Smith
Staven Smith
I am a professional article writer, I have 7 years of experience writing stories, news, blogs and more.


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