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“Cuidadín Sánchez, not recognizing Edmundo as president could lead one to believe that you are with Maduro”

Eduardo Inda, director of OKDIARIO, draws a portrait of Pedro Sánchez, president of the Government, after the Socialist Party voted this Wednesday at the Congress of Deputies against the recognition Edmundo Gonzalez as elected president of Venezuela. “There are issues in life on which one can have several opinions, for example on the issue of euthanasia, abortion or moral issues. Everyone has their reasons and they must be respected. But there are issues in which the world is binary: either you take the side of good or you take the side of evil. A dictatorship is intrinsically immoral, illegal and goes against all ethics. Just like racism or machismo. But a dictatorship, I insist, is something infinitely immoral,” says Inda, in clear reference to the Chavista dictatorship of Nicolas Maduro.

OKDIARIO director highlights the executive officer Socialist and PSOE MPs for not recognizing Edmundo Gonzalez and not to condemn the Venezuelan dictatorship. “If you don’t vigorously condemn a dictatorship by action, it means that by omission you support it. And that’s what happened today [este martes] with the Socialist Party during the vote on the motion presented by the People’s Party to recognize as the legitimate president of all Venezuelans the president they elected on July 28: Edmundo González Urrutia,” he emphasizes.

India recognizes the government’s merit de Sánchez for granting Edmundo González the asylum he requested to escape the cruel repression in Venezuela that endangered his own physical integrity. “He Sanchez Government did very well. He should be congratulated for granting political asylum to Edmundo González Urrutia, because he had requested it and because if he had stayed in Caracas, the Maduro, drug dictator“, says the journalist. However, he blames Sánchez’s party for the vote this Wednesday. “The Socialist Party made a mistake. A regrettable piece of paper. “It showed off, it looked the other way during the vote on the recognition of Edmundo González Urrutia,” says the director of OKDIARIO.

India send a message to Sanchez and to the rest of the Socialist Party: “We must always side with ethics, morality, legality and decency. And decency is Edmundo González Urrutia. That is what the PSOE should have done, and one day it will have to explain to us why it is temporizing with a regime that has assassinated 50 dissidents since the elections of July 28 that we know and has imprisoned 1,600 people active in democratic parties. “There is Sánchez, but these things end up wreaking havoc,” warns Eduardo Inda.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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