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HomeLatest NewsImmigrant minors try to enter Andalusia in the trucks of the attractions...

Immigrant minors try to enter Andalusia in the trucks of the attractions of the Melilla fair

In total, 26 immigrants, all unaccompanied minorswere intercepted by state security forces during the three days of Operation Feriante, while trying to enter Andalusia. end of the Melilla fair This marks a point of stress in the port, because of the minors who try to pass hidden under the trucks of the vendors who go to work in the Autonomous City.

To prevent vehicles from being filled with stowaways, the Interior Ministry is implementing a special system. The aim is to prevent anyone from travelling to the peninsula illegally in the transfer of fairground attractions on ships from Malaga, Almeria and Motril (Granada).

The device is composed of the National Police, the Civil Guard and the Local Police. The operation It started early Monday morning and ended this Wednesday.with eleven immigrants located by the National Police and 15 by the Local Police, as reported by the Superior Police Prefecture and the Department of Citizen Security.

Both organizations stressed that in all cases these were “unaccompanied minors.” The end of the festivities marked the starting signal for Operation Feriante, which is taking place by land, sea and air “to prevent people from entering and hiding in the exhibition vehicles or among their attractions.”

In this sense, the agents of the National Police, in collaboration with the Local Police, covered the dismantling area as well as the area reserved for the parking of vehicles. During the days of the Fair Operation, the National Police had dog guides, who had a field of action in the fair itself and at the entrance to the Port.

For its part, the Civil Guard analyzed and planned the services intended to detect immigrants who sought to clandestinely board the various ships destined for the peninsulaThe aim is to ensure that the return of the fairground attractions takes place without incident and to avoid irregular immigration.

Finally, they assured that the overall system of the Security Forces and Organs did not have any negative effects to other needs of established services.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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