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“Who does Begoña Gómez think she is? The Queen of Spain?”

OKDIARIO revealed that Begoña Gómez used the authorities room at Barajas Airport. In the AENA document published by Fernán González, it appears Begoña Gomez with the position of “wife of the President of the Government”. We did not know that such a position existed. The list of authorities – really – who can use such an exclusive state room is very clear by law and, of course, no position appears there that is “wife of the president.”

Begoña Gómez used this ceremonial room to be very comfortable with her daughter before a private flight to Bristol while the rest of the passengers were delayed by an hour and a half. This woman’s trick is outrageous. Who do you think you are? Why do you go through life with this air? Open the hall of authority reserved for state affairs for a private flight with his daughter.

No other wife of another president before, not even Zapatero’s, has behaved in this way. And even less that of Felipe González. The impudence with which Pedro Chavez and Begoñita Perón have been traveling around Spain since she was indicted is an insult to everyone.

First, they covered up their accusation with this hoax of the five days in which Sánchez retired in April, abandoning his duties. Then, without any shame, Sánchez took his accused wife to PSOE rallies. during the election campaign of the summer, under the applause of the warm socialist supporters.

However, in order to testify before Judge Peinado, Gómez hid and the courts of the Plaza de Castilla were closed by order of her husband, Marlaska obeying. OKDIARIO hunted her down, as it hunted her down this Monday in Barajas, enjoying yet another preferential treatment.

This summer, Sanchez and his wife accused They were exhibited in the Canary Islands and Andorra publicly without any shame. With impudence, we would rather say. troll us to everyone. Laughter of which she is accused corruption in business and influence peddling.

In the Canary Islands, they visited the impressive royal residence of La Mareta and strolled through a market. sunday dresses while they ignored, during their stay, with the arrogance of the nouveau riche, the massive arrival of immigrants illegal at their expense. Sánchez and his wife mocked the Canaries who have been overwhelmed by this invasion for years.

Sánchez and the allegedly corrupt woman have been going full throttle all month long. Just a little bit more and they’ll be at Christmas. In the end, what does it matter to him? Sánchez knows he can’t govern because he doesn’t have parliamentary support. He just wants to continue in Moncloa.

The couple were later seen in a m championshipmountain bike in Andorra with a private plane involved that, we assume, he would pay for it. They let themselves be photographed smiling and between two glasses of cava in this famous tax haven, while the invasion of illegal immigrants was also overflowing. Formentera, Ibiza and Mallorca.

Can you have more courage? They don’t just talk to idiots. They act like idiots. They take us for idiots. Their actions are those of a power-crazed couple surrounded by corruption. Like the Kirchners or the Ceausescus. Sánchez and the allegedly corrupt woman also confuse the State and its media with her family. They believe that state media belongs to them.

Begoña thinks she is someone. And she is nobody, madam. You are nobody. You think you are the Queen, but you are only institutionally, a leading zero. Both of them show their airs of grandeur when they stand next to the Kings.

With the public, shameless and repeated presence of Begoña Gómez this summer, Sánchez intends to normalize us – so that we forget – that his wife She is accused of corruption and influence peddling. and this has transformed Moncloa – according to research – into a kind of workstation where she claimed this alleged position, according to AENA, of “wife of the president of the government”.

From what we know from judicial and journalistic investigations, Begoña Gómez saw her arrival in Moncloa and the collection of public funds as a private business opportunity. This is the character that Sánchez rubs in our faces, making fun of us.

Begoña Gómez boldly called the rector of the Complutense to have it a tailor-made master’s degree without even being a teacher. Worse: without having a license. Begoña Gómez could not even have registered as a student in the master’s program, which she co-directs. They put their partner Carlos Barrabés in charge of directing it to disguise it.

The Complutense gave him the master’s degree knowing that she had no degree and, with even more impudence, she asked to earn 30,000 euros, claiming to earn more than anyone else at the Complutense break internal rules which limits it to 15,000 per master.

A friend of Sanchez, David Sanza, called to potential financiers to ask them to receive Begoña Gómez and give her money. Sanza, a high school friend and basketball de Sánchez, is also linked to Plus Ultra, the ruinous airline that made Empty flights to Venezuela saved by Sánchez during the pandemic with 53 million euros. At that time, the ruined airline belonged to several Venezuelan-Lebanese tycoons close to Delcy Rodríguez. In Sanchism everything stays at home passing through Venezuela.

After obtaining funding for her master’s degree, Begoña Gómez went to Telefónica, Google and Indra request for free software for the chair. They received it because they are, logically, the main leaders of these companies and they did it. Of course, Sánchez’s intelligent wife registered it in her name to market it, thus passing on the responsibility of maintaining the product. software at the Complutense.

Begoña Gómez sent invoices worth 102,848 euros without the university yet knowing the concept. Without being anyone, Begoña Gómez wrote and signed the technical specifications for public procurement from the university. And they allowed it.

Sánchez’s wife refused in July, a few days before testifying before Judge Peinado, to explain what all that public money had been used for. He wanted the university to approve his master’s report without letting him read it. It was because of her pretty face. And she wanted next year’s funding to be approved for the same reason: because of her pretty face, apparently retouched, although this, like other possible retouches by Begoña Gómez or someone else, is a personal matter, unless he used public money for it.

All this would not have been possible without the help of Carlos Barrabés, a friend of the Benasque clan, not only of Begoña, but also of Pedro Sánchez. Barrabés acknowledged before the judge that He met Sánchez several times in Moncloa. Barrabés’ companies went from almost nothing in the administration to obtaining 23 million euros in contracts and awards with Sánchez and Begoña in Moncloa. Begoña Gómez signed with her own hand letters of recommendation in favor of Barrabés.

Let’s be serious. Who would resist the arrival of Barrabés recommended by the wife of the President of the Government? The less the better morally and aesthetically unpresentable. Justice will say something else.

And all this, thanks to European funds. Those that should have reached you, your company or your small business, but did not.

And all this in 2020, in the middle of a pandemic. It is clear that at that time there were those who thought they were doing business, unaware of the suffering, the deaths and the general confinement in which has unconstitutionally subjected us the husband of the alleged corrupt woman.

Begoña Gómez dedicates herself to public fundraising sleep next to the president of the government at the Moncloa Palace, but Sánchez parades it under our noses because he doesn’t care about anything. He makes fun of everyone, starting with his own.

An accomplice of Sanchism is a rector, like that of the Complutense, who has shown himself more loyal and submissive to power than to the most fundamental principles of what is supposed to be the first public university in Spain.

Joaquin Goyache – who was supposed to resign – took a long time, but he finally did it. As OKDIARIO announced, the Complutense University canceled the chair fake which is co-directed by the accused and alleged corrupt Begoña Gómez.

What was this nest of unsmokable blushes and pathetic socialist indoctrination that the Complutense is waiting for to do it? Were they really going to humiliate us all, at the beginning of the course, with the image of Begoña Gómez, smiling and insolent as we saw her this summer, inaugurating her master’s degree? fake?

Thanks to the press and media like ours, like OKDIARIO, which have not given up and will not give up despite the threats that do not scare us, we Spaniards have been able to discover what the wife of the President of the Government was like until these years from the Moncloa Palace itself. using official meansincluding this advisor with more than 100,000 euros per year that her husband hired for her when he arrived in 2018 to take care of his private affairs.

It’s him -Sanchez- who should resignbut he can’t and won’t because he’s amoral. Corruption investigations stalk the couple and the government. Ábalos also shows his paw, remembering that he knows everything about everyone.

Begona He finds himself without his master’s degree at Complutense. Poor Begoña! Something is going to happen to her now. Don’t hesitate.

Begoña finds herself without the money and influence she gained from the shadows, protected by the darkness of power, convinced that she is, as the AENA document says, a “state authority”without being more or having more professional merits than being what he has always been: the accountant of his father’s brothels… despite its airs of grandeur.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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