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HomeEntertainment NewsEdouard Philippe shows his support for Michel Barnier

Edouard Philippe shows his support for Michel Barnier

“I will do everything I can to help you.” Guest of BFM-TV on Wednesday 11 September, Edouard Philippe reaffirmed his support for Prime Minister Michel Barnier. Multiplying the praise for the new tenant of Matignon – “an experienced, methodical, upright man (…) who also knows how to be firm” – The president of Horizons recalled that his party would participate in the new government headed by the member of the Republicans (LR).

The position of the mayor of Le Havre (Seine-Maritime) contrasts with that of the presidential party. While the Renaissance is ready to impose “red lines” to the new head of the executive, who should not “take for granted” your support, Edouard Philippe spoke out against this hypothesis. “When we want to build this trust that is essential to governing together, we can confront the red lines. We can also say: “We are ready to discuss.”, irritated the former prime minister.

Hours earlier, Michel Barnier was received by Edouard Philippe on the occasion of the parliamentary sessions of the Horizons group in Reims. The two men demonstrated their good understanding in front of journalists and the Prime Minister declared “extremely moved” by “welcome” received, in front of a mocking Edouard Philippe. Quite the opposite of his visit the day before, carried out without cameras on the return of deputies and senators of Together for the Republic (EPR), during which Barnier did not appear with his predecessor and president of the EPR group, Gabriel Attal.

Read also | Article reserved for our subscribers. Gabriel Attal leaves Matignon and sets a date for the future

“We are starting from scratch”

If the leaders of the presidential party are worried about a hardening of the Barnier government’s immigration policy, Edouard Philippe also thinks the opposite and calls for more “firmness” on the subject. “No large country can accept that migration issues are issues on which it does not decide, he said on BFM-TV. However, we did not decide that today. » Le Havre, however, spoke out against the abolition of state medical aid. [un dispositif qui permet aux étrangers en situation irrégulière de bénéficier d’un accès aux soins]provided for by LR, without excluding “reducing the care basket”.

Behind this commitment with Michel Barnier, lies the desire to further confirm his break with Emmanuel Macron, who appointed him to Matignon in 2017. Believing that the“we started from scratch”Edouard Philippe urged the head of state not to overstep his authority. “Presides, in Vmy The Republic is not about giving way to chrysanthemums. But that is not governing.” He declared, Before of to specify: “The president must preside, the government must govern.”

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Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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