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“My mother is more interested than me, she’s been pushing me around for 20 years”

In the coming days, Madrid will become the capital of Spanish fashion. The most recognized companies at the national level will reveal their proposals for this next season and they will do it with luxury guests.

Coinciding with this date, Pedro del Hierro wanted to celebrate his 50th birthday with an exhibition Pedro del Hierro. From master to brandat the Lázaro Galdiano Museum in Madrid. Whoever didn’t want to miss this appointment was Tamara Falco (42 years old), closely linked to the brand for years thanks to his collections.

THE worldly, this time alone, She was very close and happy at the beginning of this new season who is in charge of professional news for her. It will be this Thursday, September 12, when is officially presented its new and exciting collection from the brand.

Tamara Falcó at the opening of the Pedro del Hierro exhibition.


He came to celebrate Pedro del Hierro’s 50th birthday.

Yes, I just saw a picture of my mother wearing Pedro del Hierro in the 70s and she looks amazing.

How was the summer? He enjoyed it.

Much better than we could think of in Seychelles. What I like is the turquoise water.

What is the most special memory of these months?

The most special thing was being in Cadiz with my family at a barbecue organized by my brother. I’ll leave it at that, but hey, traveling is also a wonder.

He always says that Íñigo makes him do things he can’t imagine… What did he make him do in the Seychelles?

We went to see the coco de mer, I don’t know if you’ve seen it before, it’s a seed shaped like a cigarette butt and it’s very famous there. We went to see it and then we went to the beach. Well, I would have arrived at the beach by car, honestly, on the other side. With flip-flops, it was complicated.

His summer was interrupted by the loss of Caritina Goyanes. How do you feel?

It’s very sad. I’m not a mother, but my mother can put herself in Cari’s shoes… losing a child is the saddest thing that can happen to you. It all happened very quickly. It’s true that Cari was very lucky to find faith four years ago and she had an extremely strong faith. I think he passed the same thing on to his children at that time. I follow what Antonio puts on Instagram and they are very aware of it. Now you have to accompany your family here.

Tamara Falcó at the Pedro del Hierro event.


What memory do you have of her?

She was a little older than me and I remember her at the club. She was the most beautiful girl of all. She came with her long blond hair… I remember being little and thinking: “Who is this girl?” Later we coincided, but it always stayed in my mind.

Is there any news about the pregnancy?

Nothing new on the front and calm. After all, it is true that I have many friends who are in this same process and it seems that each one has his formula. At the moment, I have just received the tests on my microbiota, which seem essential to me. I have a very good doctor. I have done all the tests and everything is fine.

What does his mother, Isabel Preysler, say?

It seems that He has more interest than me. He has been urging me for 20 years.. If it were up to her… When I didn’t have a boyfriend, she told me I wasn’t going to be a grandmother. I remember one of her friends had already had two grandchildren and then my mother was upset because she didn’t have any. So Chabeli had two and Enrique had two more. And he said, “I’ve already doubled.” My mother is competitive even with that. Now it’s very quiet.

The first year of marriage has already passed, which they say is the adaptation phase. How are you facing this second year?

A year ago a friend told me that the first year of marriage was the worst, I thought that was horrible. I hope that if it is the worst, it will only get worse. From here on out, we will only get much better.

Why do you usually argue?

On weekends I don’t like to do anything. I like to put on Netflix and that’s it. Íñigo loves to go for three-hour walks. Thank goodness cycling is a sport he can do alone. Now he’s signed up for a triathlon and it’s impossible for me to keep up. Thanks to this kind of thing I’ve discovered the mountains of Madrid and many places.

How did you experience the success of Do you have talent?

I’m super happy because it was the new one. I think it turned out super nice. I experienced it, but a mounted program has a different atmosphere: they add music, colors… Often you see the reactions of the children, but you see specific moments that the camera captured and that you don’t pay attention to.

And with your colleagues?

They are great. The only one who could give me more was Risto and he was charming, even if he likes to go hard.

How did you see Victoria Federica on Monday at The anthill?

I saw some of it and I thought it was super cute. The audience was 23%… great data. I love it phenomenally.

What is the most valuable fashion advice your mother gave you?

Value your good things, because we all have them. And don’t emphasize the flaws.

Are you considering starting your own business?

Yes, I would love to. I am very happy to work with Pedro del Hierro, because they are great professionals, but it is not something I have ruled out. I like new projects and staying motivated.




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