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HomeEntertainment NewsThe vague contours of Barnier's future government

The vague contours of Barnier’s future government

The installation of Michel Barnier’s government will take longer than expected. Initially scheduled for this week, it will be effective “next week”, the new Prime Minister announced on Wednesday 11 September.

Appointed in Matignon on September 5 by Emmanuel Macron, with the mission of establishing a “unity government”, Michel Barnier “He wants to give time to time”, Those close to him say. After a first week dedicated to receiving the presidents of the parliamentary groups and the right-wing parties and the presidential coalition, he will meet or summon, starting on Saturday, the personalities who are expected to make up his executive.

However, at this stage, this “new team” The move from the Social Democrats to the Republican right, according to the Head of State’s wishes, is far from being on the horizon. While the former European Commissioner wants the government to “as broad as possible” and says he is ready to receive “people of the left”, The first secretary of the Socialist Party (PS), Olivier Faure, refuses to meet the Prime Minister before he delivers his general policy statement to the National Assembly and, as expected, excludes any participation in the executive; as do his own opponents in the PS.

Read also | Live, Michel Barnier: Edouard Philippe promises to do “everything” to help the new Prime Minister in a “rather complicated and unprecedented political situation”

The mayor (PS) of Saint-Ouen (Seine-Saint-Denis), Karim Bouamrane, indicated on Wednesday that he had rejected a proposal to join the government. “For me, that would be a commitment. (…) We are faced with a right-wing prime minister validated by the National Rally. [RN]a prime minister under supervision,” he explained on Franceinfo.

The president (PS) of the Occitania region, Carole Delga, warns that born “I would not participate in a government that does not respect the vote of the French people.” Former socialist François Rebsamen, an ally of Emmanuel Macron since the 2022 presidential election, indicates that it will not be “I have never been a minister in a government under RN surveillance.”

Barnier seeks a seat at the Bourbon Palace

Only the former presidential candidate, Ségolène Royal, has offered to serve on the set of BFM-TV. But the presence in the government of a left-wing personality, however eminent, who would not have the support of the PS, is of little interest to the new head of government, who is seeking a base in the National Assembly.

Even the centrist group Liberties, Independents, Overseas and Territories (LIOT) in the Bourbon Palace is listening “stay in opposition, with a constructive approach”“The president of the European Parliament, Stéphane Lenormand, declared that the Barnier government would therefore have to rely on a fragile “majority” of 213 deputies and remain at the mercy of a motion of censure voted by the left and the extreme right.

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Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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