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PP supports Vox and stops reform aimed at wresting the presidency of the Cortes of Aragon from the extreme right

Vox’s turn in the Cortes of Aragon, where it imposed a change in the schedule of plenary sessions and is already knocking down PP initiatives, has not yet meant a complete break in ties between the Popular Party and the far right. The best example occurred this Thursday in the Autonomous Chamber, when the PP’s votes were used to stop the reform of the Rules of Procedure advocated by Chunta. A modification by which the current president of the Cortes, the far right Marta Fernández, could end up being dismissed.

The measure received the support of the entire opposition, while the PAR – which continues to hold high positions in the Aragon government – abstained. However, the votes of the PP and VOX caused the attempted reform to fail.

Currently, the Regulations of the Cortes of Aragon only provide – in its article 62 – three causes for the dismissal of members of the Council: the loss of the quality of substitute, the express resignation and the non-adherence or cessation of membership in the Group. parliament of the political formation to which he belonged at the time he was proposed as a candidate. With the proposed amendment, among the protected concepts to dismiss its president, it would also be included that it be accepted by the absolute majority of the deputies of the Chamber.

“This is a guarantee procedure, which does not weaken the position of the Council, but strengthens it, because it makes it more democratic,” argued Chunta’s spokesman, José Luis Soro. “It makes no sense,” continued Soro, “that the current president, elected by a pact between the PP and Vox that is now broken, cannot be removed from office in any way. “It makes no sense that such a relevant position cannot be forced to do anything.”

“This is a political crisis without any foundation or rigor,” said PP MP Jesús Fuertes to justify the refusal of the Popular Party. “These reforms must be proposed at the end of the legislature; doing things halfway is opportunistic,” said Fuertes, whose position is not very different from that expressed by Vox. Far-right MP David Arranz accused Chunta of wanting to “satisfy his sectarianism and isolate those who think differently.” “They still do not accept the results of the elections,” he added.

The opposition, however, voted in favour of the measure. “It is a necessary regulatory change for the future. In the Aragonese Parliament, we have a president who denies gender-based violence. This is the home of all Aragonese people, where legislative power is exercised and budgets are approved: it is completely logical that there is someone who believes in autonomies,” said PSOE MP Lorena Canales.

“The measure aims to extend responsibility to this Chamber. The members of the Council should not be different from other elected officials,” said Pilar Buj, from Teruel Exist.

Finally, PAR MP Alberto Izquierdo said he shared “the substance”, but justified his abstention by stating that “in a moment like this, the measure does not contribute to stability, but quite the opposite.”


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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