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HomeLatest NewsLast minute of Isabel Díaz Ayuso's speech in the Assembly today

Last minute of Isabel Díaz Ayuso’s speech in the Assembly today

Continue live he speech by Isabel Diaz Ayuso on the balance sheet of his management at the head of the Government of the Community of Madrid in the First debate on the state of the regionwith the last hour of his speech and what is happening today in the Assembly.


Debate on the state of the region begins

The President of the Community of Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, has the floor, without time limit, in the first session of the debate on the state of the region.


Minute of silence in memory of victims of gender-based violence

Before the start of the debate on the state of the region, the plenary session of the Madrid Assembly observed a minute of silence in memory of the victims of gender-based violence in the region.

The husband of a woman found dead in a basement of her home was jailed on Wednesday for murder after being missing since August 31.

If confirmed, it would be the fourth case this year.


The plenary session of the Assembly begins to fill for the first session of the debate on the state of the region


Rocío Monasterio: “I come with the hope that Ayuso will make real proposals that benefit families”

The Vox deputy of the Madrid Assembly, Rocío Monasterio, arrives at the Assembly “with the hope that Ayuso will make real proposals that will benefit families.” This is what he said in his first statements a few minutes before the start of the debate on the state of the region.

Mariano Calleja reports.


Almeida arrives at the Assembly for the debate on the state of the region

Madrid Mayor José Luis Martínez-Almeida arrives at the Assembly to support President Díaz Ayuso on the first day of debate on the state of the region.

Sara Medialdea reports.


Juan Lobato: “Ayuso is once again focusing on tax breaks for the wealthy. That’s your model.”

Juan Lobato, secretary general of the PSOE in Madrid, arrives at the Assembly. In his first words a few minutes before the debate on the state of the region began, Lobato referred to the “tax gifts to the wealthy” of the current regional government. “We are committed to education and the retention of talent in the Community of Madrid. “We want to increase teachers’ salaries,” he stressed.

Mariano Calleja reports.

11:50 a.m.

Fran Martín Aguirre, Government Delegate in Madrid: “I would like the President to recognize the commitment of the Spanish Government to Madrid”

The government delegate in Madrid, Fran Martín Aguirre, arrives at the Assembly “to listen to the president” and assures that “I would like the [Ayuso] “abandon unjustified catastrophism and recognize the Spanish government’s commitment to Madrid.”

Aguirre will be in the guest gallery this Thursday and Friday during the debate sessions on the state of the region.


Manuela Bergerot accuses Ayuso of “laughing in the face of the inhabitants of San Fernando”

The spokesperson for Más Madrid in the Regional Assembly, Manuela Bergerot, accuses Ayuso of “laughing in the face of the people of San Fernando de Henares”. “The people affected need houses, not a park,” he said this Thursday a few minutes before the start of the debate on the state of the region.

President Isabel Díaz Ayuso announced this Thursday that a 12,000 square meter park will be built in the El Pilar residential complex, which had to be demolished for the works of the metro line 7B. It will cost 5 million euros and will be completed within a year.


The Government delegate will be at the debate on the state of the region this Thursday and Friday.

The government delegate in Madrid, Fran Martín Aguirre, will be present on Thursday and Friday in the guest gallery of the Madrid Assembly during the debate on the state of the region.

Mariano Calleja informs


Manuela Bergerot, spokesperson for Más Madrid: “I hope Ayuso does not tease the people of Madrid with recycled measures”

“I hope Ayuso does not lie to us and does not tease the people of Madrid with recycled measures,” said Manuela Bergerot, spokesperson for Más Madrid, upon her arrival at the Assembly where the first session of the debate on the state of health will be held this Thursday in the region.

Mariano Calleja informs

11:15 a.m.

Ayuso redoubles its commitment to tax cuts: more bonuses for families and rent

In the midst of a national battle for the regional and fiscal financing model, Isabel Díaz Ayuso does not give up on advancing her tax reduction policy. While the central government sends messages in favor of tax harmonization that would imply an increase in the tax burden on the people of Madrid, the regional president continues to announce tax cuts. The latest will be announced this Thursday, during the first day of the debate on the state of the region. Specifically, there will be more bonuses for inheritances between siblings and between uncles and nephews, but also more rental assistance for the less young.

Sara Medialdea reports.


Lobato asserts himself with a hard tone against Ayuso in the regional debate and will demand “loyalty” against the Sánchez government

This Friday, in the second session of the debate, Juan Lobato will have the opportunity to respond to the critics of the PSOE in Madrid, who accuse him of precisely that, of being lukewarm and of not defending policies that are very, very far from the left. The debate on the state of the region that takes place between Thursday and tomorrow Friday could be one of his last opportunities to assert himself as leader of the Madrid socialists with an energetic opposition to Isabel Díaz Ayuso and, incidentally, it will allow him to align himself with President Sánchez.

Mariano Calleja reports.


“This is currently the most suitable government in Spain”

Ayuso faces her first debate on the state of the region with an absolute majority. She is calm and “in shape”. “This is currently the most capable government in Spain”, they say in Sol. These types of appointments are considered a show of strength and the opposition has no choice but to make a speech for its own tribune and its most loyal audience. . , to remind them that they are still there, standing, facing the president of the region, knowing that they will not get much out of a parliamentary meeting like this.

Mariano Calleja reports.


Structure of the debate on the state of the region

Ayuso will speak this Thursday, at 12:00, without time limit and is expected to advance some of the measures that the ministries will develop in the next twelve months, among which there will be advances in taxation and social policies.

After the President’s intervention, the session should be suspended and resumed the following day at 10:00. This second session will involve the different political groups of the Madrid Assembly, with a duration of thirty minutes. The President may respond to each of them individually or in a joint intervention.


Ayuso faces first state of the region debate with absolute majority

The president of the Community of Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, faces this Thursday and Friday in the Assembly her first debate on the state of the region since she has had an absolute majority and in which she should take stock of the management and break down the main lines of action of your government.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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