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HomeLatest NewsSara Medialdea, ABC journalist, new City Chronicler

Sara Medialdea, ABC journalist, new City Chronicler

The Madrid City Council’s Board of Directors has just begun the process of appointing four new City Chroniclers, including Sara Medialdea, a journalist from ABC. It has also been proposed to grant this recognition to historians Alfredo Alvar, Rosalía Domíngue and María Teresa Fernández Talaya. The decoration, which is honorary and without financial compensation, can be awarded to people who, in their professional activity, have devoted special attention to the city of Madrid. The names have been selected from the proposals made by the municipal groups and the current City Chroniclers Corps.

Sara Medialdea, editor-in-chief of the ABC newspaper and columnist. Graduated in journalism from the Complutense University of Madrid, she has dedicated herself 25 years of his professional life to inform about Madrid and has published the books “500 ideas to discover Madrid” (published by La Librería) and “Mujeres y madrileñas”. Sara Medialdea has two prestigious distinctions, the Mesonero Romanos Award from the Madrid City Council and the one awarded by the Madrid Press Association (APM) for her journalistic work in the region. In recent months, he has published a weekly series on ABC on curious and forgotten stories of the city, entitled Capital Stories.

These columnists, who will be designated during the municipal plenary session, will join the Seven who currently hold this title: Pedro Montoliú, Antonio Castro Jiménez, Mayte Alcaraz, Ruth Toledano, Andrés Ruiz Tarazona, Carmen Iglesias and Feliciano Barrios Pintado. The number of members of this Honorary Corps is limited to a minimum of six people and a maximum of 15, to which is added a representative of the Institute of Studies of Madrid.

three historians

Alfredo Alvar Ezquerra is a Spanish historian specializing in the modern history of Spain and is currently a professor-researcher at the Higher Council for Scientific Research (CSIC). He is an academic at the Royal Academy of History and holder of the Encomienda de Isabel la Católica (2015). He was a member of the board of directors of the Royal Matritense Economic Society of Friends of the Country for more than two decades and chaired the Institute of Studies of Madrid and the Casino of Madrid.

Rosalía Domínguez Diaz She is a historian specializing in art history, an expert on our city’s museums, with numerous articles on Madrid in publications such as the magazine Madrid Histérico.

The historian Maria Teresa Fernández Talaya, the current president of the Institute of Studies of Madrid, who, as such, currently holds the status of honorary member of the Corps of Chroniclers, will be appointed in a personal capacity. She is the director of publications of the International Fraternity of Researchers of Toledo and has developed her professional career as an archivist at the National Historical Archive, the Archive of the Royal Palace and the Municipal Housing and Land Company of the Madrid City Council, in addition to having worked as a cultural director.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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